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About sylvainspk

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  • Interests
    Working terriers
  1. My Pepone dog : My Donna bitch : ... and the last addition to our yard, Donna's son, call Diego, was 5 wks old on that pic : IS, Sylvain
  2. Horrible weather since days and days around here, so nothing more than "sofa hunting" possible Just profit of a short better day some week ago to try a den ... a fox bolted but we couldn't get him ... nothing more this day ! it is said we can't get them all ! hope some better days to come, dogs can't wait more and so do I some pics in attachment. IS, Sylvain
  3. We use both systems and both are really good and strong stuff. Precision is about the same, not much difference. I personnaly like the ortovox transmitter on/off system easier and safer than the b&f , but the b&f collar is probably safer in the end, as during the last dig with orto system the scratch opened and the unit was detached from the collar (I use the collar from “strong stuffâ€), I will make it safer from now on with Scotch tape. Transceiver ortovox D3 and B&f unit are about similar stuff, but the D3 is probably stronger than the b&f concerning one more time th
  4. After introducing myself, let me introduce you my small working terriers "team". Here is my first patterdale call "Simon". A great one who never let us down, dig to him any time, any long it is, any quarry, nearly 100% success. I gave him some months ago to a good friend who sadly lost hese terriers, so his great digging career still goes on ! We used him at stud some months ago, and at 7 months only most of is progeny is yet starting working or showing the good signs. Here is my "Kaya" bitch, very good hearted bitch, handy sized so very usefull for small foxes sets. She lacks some p
  5. yes there was good report of him years ago, he was said to be a very serious one.
  6. If i'm not wrong and if my memory is still good, i remember of that pic so this dog should be him : pedigree I think it gives the answer the ones who ask if this dog was just showdog or not ... He's in superb condition on the pic, and with the few i know , not any drug used for that result, just a good classical keep. IS, Sylvain
  7. Hey lads, just joined this fine board and give the hello to all. I'm just a french guy addicted by working terriers, and keep some good ones, and try to breed some good ones when needed for working. Just working terriers, nothing more nothing less ... Here in France we are lucky enough to work with our dog totally legally. I know this is not exactly the same for you in UK, so will always be careful not to post to much explicit reports. you can see my dogs and my partner's ones on our webpage here Merry Christmas to all. IS, Sylvain
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