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Everything posted by hunter1995

  1. best boots i have ever had only problem is you have to maintian them wax the boots specailly the folds mines last a year wearing them everyday solid only reason fell apart was cause never waxed them
  2. i knoow what you mean shell need wee bit wieght plus muscle behind her too for the jobs i have in mine haha and mines sire was a racer also working and dam good all rounder so hopefully be good wee pup
  3. so is your mate cracking dog he is credit to you mate! and cheers mate sire whippet grey dam wheaton bull grey your lad and am hoping it makes 24 what will yours make?
  4. kinda looks like my bitch pal mines is just under 6 months now 20 inch what yous reckon she makes
  5. first week of getting my first lurcher got asked over 12 times nice whippet after the third time i walk away leaving the people with a some what confused look and no its getting older its changed to you need to feed more i say now nah mate gets fed once a week plenty for the wee dog
  6. my bitch here 5 months old had her a month coming along fine a part from retieving but hopefully get there- hope pic works
  7. i have a fawn bitch for this litter got her three weeks ago coming along fine was quite shy but coming out her shell now just starting training now as i want a bond before i done any training her names breeze
  8. any pics and more details would help bud
  9. yeaah thinkright skycat about being uncomfortable with prey drive around me cause too her long when i was ferret wasnt intrested in the rabbits at all with older dog too but didnt run with that either but i have a skin dummy she is retrieving it half way to me so its slow steady progress but its progress none the less thanks
  10. try the tug training method but my pup is so dosiel (dont think its spelt right) when i tempt it she mouths it then i try to play with her she drops it
  11. thanks Jdog that is really good idea i will try that tomorrow hopefully works!
  12. no its my first lurcher and its a whippet grey wheaton bull grey its a quiet dog not very bold but is if needed to be Thanks
  13. yeaah that did help thanks and J.Dog thing is bought it at 4 1/2 months old recall is there but with retieving first couple mouths it then drops it then other times runs to it sniffs it
  14. just got myself my first lurcher since its my first just wanting to know what you old times do to train them good tips on recall retrieving sitting and staying and jumping ATB
  15. just went and had a look at a pup was intrested in liked it so put small deposit down and collecting it friday coming cant wait my first pup! its sire is grey x whippet and dam is wheaton bull grey its takes after the sire side more but fiesty little thing wont back down to its brother who is quite bit bigger should make 23in about that so cant wait till next year get it going full swing but this season just be accompying me on ferreting jobs! also thank you too whip x grey for putting me in touch with the boy! ATB
  16. birds of prey cant carry things away if they eat to much or weigh to much cant not take off like you seen with vultures in africa after they savage they hop around and it could be a mink if there is a water way near by but main thing would be rats,staots or weasal going but what has been said also BOP wouldnt pull cacress through the grids
  17. if its getting pulled through the fox grid then wont be an owl mate BOP will eat at intervals so its a ground predator that can fit through grid so your have four main species 1.weasal 2.stoat 3.rat 4. small/young pine martin! that leaves you with couple options if its a pine martin deterants or if its other 3 fenn trap with grid on the box also to find out what it is use a camera like stealth one put it where the carcess is being pulled through when the suspect walks by bang got picture evdince and take your method of control from there!!
  18. rats look for holes or it could of been a pine martin if your in a woodland up north but am thinking rat myself they dont really have a method to eating like birds of prey do or stoats
  19. aww never seen them advertised like that would of been perfect but ayee mate that would be good if you could do that! i know not many working ones up here must went out of fashion everyone wants first cross bull greys now but i prefer the old style off dogs like wheaton deer or beddy crosses worked for the people before us so should do it for us too! Cheers
  20. @ urbanhunter12 where you from mate and jarv where you see these? i dont mind putting in the miles but one cant drive yet and two stag season is about to get going and working 7 days a week with that and the pheasants too
  21. i hope your a liverpool fan and no a everton mate!!!! haha ayee what breeding is that like a wee bit far but closer than ireland anyway haha
  22. where you from mate and his is putting a dog over it?
  23. hmmm any pictures of the dam and sire bud like if i dont find anything near by could be a shout like cheers for that
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