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Ned Makim

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Everything posted by Ned Makim

  1. Paul's mate Dave with one of the boars the pair picked up since the last lot of posts. It was a good night as the next shot shows...
  2. And this is a big sow I got in a barley crop before Christmas. She was a genuinely big pig. Very happy with her.
  3. Here's a decent boar son Paul caught during one of his trips into North Queensland. It was near a place called Charters Towers. Good rough boar.
  4. Here's a wet weather pix. Paul had to drive an hour into the bush to find me and pull me out of this bog. One of many testing times since the rains came...
  5. G'day everyone, I'm sneaking back onto the odd forum now that I am finding my feet in the new job. I've spend most of the first few months training. In Oz now you have to have a ticket for everything so you and your employer are covered by insurance. All to do with occupational health and safety... Now I can officially drive a 4Wd and a quad (ATV), drive defensively, cape and butcher a deer, interview bad guys and prepare a brief of evidence for court and use an extendable baton, pepper spray, open hand knife defence techniques and negotiate ha ha. I must be able to do it all because I have t
  6. Who did you hunt with beddy. I might know them...

  7. Thanks very much for the comments Aussiepigger... Now for the latest news...I have been appointed a Game Manager for the northern region of NSW acting for the Game Council of NSW. My area will reach from near Port Macquarie to Broken Hill and up to the Queensland border. I don't know the land area yet but looking on a map is seems bigger than Great Britain...I am the only bloke covering the area so I have a bit of travelling ahead of me ha ha. Anyway, the job is to promote ethical hunting, finding hunting opportunities on public land for legal hunters and catching poachers. I will also be
  8. Simon's a former butcher so his knives are all boning knives. Nothing special but very effective. Re distances, it's easier here to measure distance in time if you know what I mean. You can put in some long drives ha ha... Cheers.
  9. Time for a bit of an update... Lots of rain here so our chasing has been disrupted but we've still picked up a few here and there. I've done bugger all with three last Saturday night at Mungindi (about two or three hours west of me) the only pig highlight for the past few weeks. Got bogged to the arse as well in a black soil cultivation paddock that put a dent in the hunting time... Very happy with Roger and Gina though. Gina had an attempt at being lead dog and while interrupted by the bog, she worked through cattle, roos, hares and foxes without flinching so happy with that. Roger led a
  10. Not so easy. It used to be easy but there has been an explosion in interest in pig catching during the past 20 years, especially the past 10. With that there has been an increase in deman for country and and increase in dickheads in the game. There have always been idiots buit if there is a 10 fold increase in hunters it also means a 10fold increase in people who sneak onto land, hunt off roads, etc etc. A proportion of those people also steal stuff and shoot stock to use as baits to attract pigs so there is a degree of suspicion among landholders about pig hunters. Having said that though, on
  11. There are lots of blokes out here who shoot roos and pigs for a living. The roos go to pet food or human consumption and the pigs are exported to Europe. Roos makle up the vast majority of what they shoot but in good country there are enough pigs too. Many more blokes catch pigs for the export trade to supplement their income, pay for fuel, vet bills etc. Cheers.
  12. Thanks very much for the comments fellas. I'm still a bit amazed at the response. As long as people are interested, I'll keep posting. Cheers.
  13. The heights sound about right. Odd one would be taller, others shorter by and inch maybe. Re the Lab, no none in ours. If you can ID the pix I'll tell you about that dog... Cheers.
  14. We have blackberries and I hate going in them... The taller of our dogs can get tangled in that crap but the average of the line seems to go OK. Part of the breeding concept is to breed dogs that can handle the country we mostly hunt in. For me it's about the average every day performance rather than specialist dogs for different types of country. So I aim for dogs about 30 to 32 kgs that are fast, driven and with shit hot noses. In the past I thought different dogs should be on the truck for differnt situations but I invariably ended up with the quick light dog on the giant boar and the big m
  15. Around here, 126kg dressed but north of here about nine hours I got two a week apart that dressed 170 and 175kg off the same crop. But both were in the eighties. Still those big pigs about but I can't catch them lately ha ha. Cheers.
  16. Here's Paul's pic from Friday night. Five of the seven boars he caught on his solo run. The biggest two boxed at 49kgs and 48kgs dressed with the others going down the scale. Dogs wore a few holes but generally a real good run for our country. Trainee dogs continue to learn their trade too so that's even better. Cheers.
  17. G'day, I'm still waiting on Paul's pix but in the meantime I've got a couple of my own. Took out a new bloke to pig dogging last night and scored two in some steep country. Rod is a shooter who has been lured over to the dark side ha ha. He's read a lot about pig dogging and I met him at the Game Council's Pig Dogging Workshop in May. He wanted to see how I did things so he came down for a look in one of my rougher blocks. The place has been hammered lately but we still managed to pick up two for the night. One of was fair sort of sow Bobby found after a heap of jumps during which he seem
  18. OK in pig news... Paul went out last night with all his trainees and got seven. They were all boars and all sellers although he only got four to the chiller. Two were kms away in the hills and one he left near a dam to go after the mob got mauled by a bloody fox. He reckoned he was gone an hour or more and got up to 3.4kms from the truck on foot following pigs but when he came back a fox had chewed off one ear and all round the arse. That boar went to dog food. He also saw 23 fallow. One by himself with a good rack and the rest in one mob with various bucks showing reasonable heads. Bit surpr
  19. Mate, Don't use me in your arguments. I find it offensive and unmanly.
  20. I've been away for a couple of days on family duties. Cousin of mine had some south African visitors coming to his property and was going to be away so I went down to fill in for him. They wanted to see a bit of hunting so took them for a shot. Spooked one little boar yesterday afternoon but the shooting was a little off so when the smoke cleared I let Bobby go into the scrub where the boar had bolted. Just over 400 metres later he had this bloke and the visitors got to see a nice clean catch and let go on command. Bobby did his thing and made me feel really proud of the dog. These blokes have
  21. I'd be about about four or five hours from Surfers on the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range. Let me know if you get back to Oz and we'll go and see if we can bump into a pig. Cheers.
  22. Appreciate your commenting from your experience and beliefs but sheep dogs are common if pigging crews in NZ and Oz and do the job easily. There isn't actually any debate about it. Get on an Oz of Kiwi pigging site and ask for some evidence and you'll get hundreds, if not thousands of pix of good boars bailed by sheep dogs. It's not my way of hunting, my dogs don't bail, so I have no particular barrow to push but it is just a fact. Sheep dogs will stop boars no probs. Cheers.
  23. I've seen heaps of sheep dogs stop boars. I don't use them because I prefer a different style but they can definitely do it. They nip and harass a boar until he stands and circles. Thousands of boars get stopped in Oz by sheep dogs every day. Any boar can fight and some fight like you wouldn't believe but in many cases a dog that just bails boars provokes way less fight than dogs that grab. Boars only use the energy required to get rid of the threat so bailing dogs do just enough to hold the boar in one spot until either holding dogs arrive or the hunter arrives and shoots the pig. I caught
  24. mygoodpuppy.com in the US supplies a lot to Oz within five days and we are a lot further away then you guys. Very honest and easy to deal with if you can't find a UK supplier. Cheers.
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