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Ned Makim

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Everything posted by Ned Makim

  1. Yes I mean the dog has been arrogant. (I'll edit the post to eliminate any confusion...) Some of them are very arrogant, strong willed, some aren't but the arrogance is a good sign. Arrogant dogs definitely don't faint at the sight of their own blood if it comes to that. They will stick to a bad boar. But it requires some firm handling. I don't mean belting them but I do mean you don't let them make any decision on their own for a while. You have to be the source of all decisions until they 'give up' and are automatically submissive to you. Then you can take them in the field with livestoc
  2. Just back from work in the bush. Finished the gardening and was told by the station manager to go and see if I could harass some pigs so I was happy to oblige. Went and scouted the edge of some sorghum to see if anything was coming into the unripe crop yet and jagged this little sow just after disturbing a decent fallow buck camped in the crop. Barney found this one. Bob found a couple of slips but spat them out so I don't count them. Anyway, another little pig while I was supoposed to be working. And Barney's first for me since he's been back home. He had been with another bloke but there
  3. Thank very much everyone for your response. It is very encouraging that so many of you are interested in the dogs and what they do. For me I don't have a choice, the dogs and catching the next boar is almost all I think about. You blokes have the choice to read or not and to comment or not, so I really appreciate you taking the time to say anything, let alone all the positive stuff. Re other dogs affecting my breeding decisions....they could, but hunting with other blokes is more about the bloke and also seeing general standards in hunting, and just the hunting. I'm very comfortabloe with
  4. Interesting stuff. Pig hunting is so different all over the world. If I won Lotto I'd travel the world chasing pigs with dogs... I've seen a sau feder. Magnificant piece of cutlery. A bit much for me to use but still... Cheers.
  5. At 14 months they are finding and smashing whatever sized or attitude pig they hit. Certainly grabbing one out. Some of ours try to find and will lug up from four months, we just don't let them go on their own. By seven or eight months they should be lugging (grabbing the ear) and trying to find otherwise we are looking at them... You try to nurse them a bit but sometimes the rough pig chooses them. They learn a lot from big sows that bite them and little athletic boars that spin and belt them but can't cut them up much. Cheers.
  6. Now for the latest generation of dogs in the Makim dog clan. This isn't all of the potential breeding stock but it is representative. This pix shows Gina, BJ and Barney. Gina Is Russell Kelly, BJ is Kevin Hannah and Barney is Scotty (Kelly's brother) over Pepper. Gina's sister Daphne owned by Scotty S is also on the roster based on her efforts and style so far. None of these things are set in stone, still depends on their performance over time. Their brother Hassle owned by Brett K is also on the list. This is Suzie and BJ both Kevin x Hannah's. This Del, BJ and R
  7. Thanks for the replies everyone. Just to clear up any possible misunderstanding...when I had my spit a little earlier about getting a strange reception on the forum at times, I wasn't saying this site had more than its share of geese writing about things. It's the same in all aspects of life (there will be idiots) but the idiots do seem to surface more on internet forums because blokes don't have to deal with other people face to face. I don't mean about drama, I just mean that most of the people on forums wouldn't adopt the same tone if they were looking at the man. I'm a bit confused abo
  8. Working dogs are definitely the heroes, we are the back-up. Thanks for the comments. It's 8.30am Sunday now and I'm up again with SuperJen is listening to all the details while feeding me milk coffee. Yeah I know I did what I could to get Bob's boar but I still wish I was capable of more, a bit younger etc etc. All part of it. It's not pig shopping, it's pig hunting ha ha. We plan to launch another raid on the next full moon and see if we can bump into the big bloke again. Cheers. As for coming in from the front on a boar, it is certainly the least desired option but I trusted Luke to
  9. OK. Clean enough to be in the lounge room again. I'm just back from a night time run with local bloke Luke. Young family man, late twenties, with a couple of very handy dogs. And it's a case of one good boar in the chiller and a lesson from a better one. We were hunting some of Luke's country in the hills on which the landholder has set up grain feeders for his cattle and sheep to put on a bit of extra weight for sale. The livestock love the feeders and so do the pigs. They have been travelling about 3kms to and from the their spot in the steep, thick scrub to the feeders on some of the
  10. Thanks everyone. It's just gone 3am here and I'm back from a hunt. Just cleaning up so I'll post pix and the report in 30 minutes or so. Good news again... Cheers.
  11. G'day, I've just gone back and adjusted the codes for the youtube stuff so you can see it within this thread rather than opening another screen. Betty is a butters blood dog which means she goes back to Eng bully, wolfh, Eng mastiff and dane. That's what in them but of course they were bred down down in size to suit our needs. I bred Betty. She's 36 kgs working and I don't know how tall. Both the blokes in the vid are 6 ft 3 so if that helps. I don't get into a lot of the detail other breeders do because I don't care. If the dog does the job it doesn't matter to me wheether or not it's thi
  12. Yeah, a big, proper fighting pig is a startling thing and I am definitely windy of them but the dog is already on and risking itself so you can't think about it you just have to go forward and think where you put your feet so you don't end up under the pig. The dog is doing the real work, you just have to have back it up. Not backing up a courageous dog is a sin that can cause the dog to be hurt and then big trouble between the men, big trouble... And the no shoes, we'd been in a boat on a lagoon and Paul had his shoes off so he didn't sink if a croc hit us. Betty gets out of boat and grab
  13. The other bloke in the vid is Brett who is the bloke holding the bull's legs in the other video. You hear me say 'she will be hard to pull up' referring to the fact she has been poked and will be full on about it. Paul also says 'we know' to Betty at one stage. She doesn't know what we're saying of course but he is saying he knows she's got a little hole in her and will be furious about it. Most of our dogs seem to take it as some sort of insult if the pig cuts them, despite the protective gear. We're all about respect over here, even the dogs ha ha. So, what do you think? Cheers. And
  14. The mods have spoken and they are happy to air the vid unless the shit hits the fan. If it upsets people they will take it off and that's fine with me. I'm a guest in their house... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8ui0NRSlAI This is Betty on a little Gulf of Carpentaria boar. He didn't have all that much fight in him so he was a good one for the aging Betty ha ha. Betty is eight going on nine. Paul does the sticking and gets a good clean hit. Pig was in the 50kg dressed range but looks a bit less thanks to Paul's frame. Betty had lost her temper because of a poke she received in the
  15. G'day again, A question for the admin or moderators...I have a video I'd like to post of one of our dogs Betty on a little boar. The vid shows the dog holding the boar while it tries to hook her, son Paul rolling and sticking the boar. The stick is very clean, one stroke and the boar is gone but there is a bit of blood. I don't want to post it without the mods seeing it in case it is a drama on your site. I could send the link in a private message if required for approaval. Is that the right approach? Happy to post the vid but just don't want to step on toes unnecessarily... Cheers.
  16. You bet I have, biggest client has just qaudrupled the contract. Takes five man days (50 hours) to trim the hedges let alone the 160 acres of mowing... Cheers.
  17. Thanks for the responses fellas. Re chasing the bulls with dogs. In Oz the vast majority of pig dogs are single species hunters. They get shot if the catch livestock either by the landholder or by their owners. It's a big sin here if a pig dog grabs a sheep or a cow or anything other than a pig. Mostly you are hunting through proper domestic stock so the dogs just have to ignore them. Good dogs will run into a mob of , say, black Angus calves and ignore them to grab the boar hiding in the middle of them. There are blokes who catch scrub bulls with dogs but those dogs can't be used around do
  18. No worries Mike. Get out here and have a go but be preared for a long drive from Brisbane to bull land. I'm only five hours from Brisbane so you get down for a weekend run but the bulls might be two or three days travelling to get to them. Cheers.
  19. Not that much money in it. From say $500 to $800 a bull live. The chopper costs about $300 an hour plus fuel so they make the pilot put down while a few bulls are collected. It's done for the money and to reduce the degradation of good cattle herds byt dodgy bulls and to save stud bulls from being bashed to death by these things. Australians (in the bush anyway) don't necessarily do things because of money. There is a guts element that the blokes like to test. We think differently to other people... Cheers.
  20. They can be smaller than, say, a brahman stud bull, but it's the hate in them that makes them dangerous. In the bush they are a chance to just go you on sight. I am very respectful of a scrub bull. They come from English shorthorn stock originally that was taken into the north when white people moved into that part of Oz. Now there is some brahman blood in them but heaps look like crazy versions of shorthorn stud stock. Have a look at the look on the bulls face at the start of the video when he is looking at me. That's why I went around the back of the vehicle... Cheers.
  21. And I know the vid is crap quality. It was shot on my little dig still camera into the sun. But I guess you get the idea. Cheers. Note too that it is not the bull catcher holding the bull down. They just bumop them off their feet. It is the men stopping the bull getting up and killing us all. Hence the urgency of some of Jason's instructions...
  22. This is the vid of tying up one of the scrub bulls. The bull has been chased by the bull catcher, the 4wd you can hear ticking over and see parked where it hit the bull. The bloke tying the back legs and doing the talking is Jason, an Aboriginal man who in this vid is catching for the money but also training some young blokes to keep them off the grog and the hooter (dope). The bigger bloke is Brett a mate of ours who wanted to have a go. The bull is knocked over. In this case one Aboriginal boy has the tail but he is pretty casual about it because Brett is pulling the back legs back far e
  23. Trying to upload on here. Got some bull tying on you tube and now I can't embed it. I'll keep trying... OK. I try to use the embed code on youtube and it just puts the code on here rather than the little TV screen thngo, what do I do?
  24. No. Not kidding. I have video but I can't seem to get it onto youtube or whatever. Might be too big?? Any help I could get would be appreciated and then you'll see it for yourself. Cheers.
  25. Just a couple of other things. On gauging size etc of things in the pix. You have to consider Paul's size. He's 6 ft 3 (maybe 4) and 120 odd kgs. I am only 5 ft 10 or 11 and about 90 kgs. Helps get things in persepctive. If an animal looks big in a photo with Paul you can rest assured it was big. On the weather, no not heat wave all the time. Our little area of Oz can go to 40 in the summer but it has hit -16 C in the winter. Mostly it's only -5 or so but we have hunted on -12 nights. That is really uncomfortable. No snow here just cold. I actually fell in a river at -7C when I was you
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