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Everything posted by SHOTGUNSNIPER

  1. i agree mate To be fair the hunting world knows that the UK is full of people who think they know what hunting is and are going nowhere except towards losing all of their hunting privileges due to their opinionated and divided ignorances...The only thing you have left is your stuffy small minded opinion.....LOL So what if a rich executive/buisnesman wants to pay to hunt in Africa or anywhere else.....Most of the so called "hunting" in the UK is really poaching or illegal/banned activities practiced by subjects who are not citizens.... . The hunting world is a really huge place place comp
  2. New zealand has free hunting for non residents just so you know. Yes but to hunt big game you must hire a guide.....
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBDQacEQ0EQ
  4. i agree mate To be fair the hunting world knows that the UK is full of people who think they know what hunting is and are going nowhere except towards losing all of their hunting privileges due to their opinionated and divided ignorances...The only thing you have left is your stuffy small minded opinion.....LOL So what if a rich executive/buisnesman wants to pay to hunt in Africa or anywhere else.....Most of the so called "hunting" in the UK is really poaching or illegal/banned activities practiced by subjects who are not citizens.... . The hunting world is a really huge place place comp
  5. Hey Romany put up some video if you have some.... Ignore the anti's this site is full of stuffy small minded idiots with big mouths.... This is for byron lord of the loudmouths -
  6. What is your idea of hunting.....? And explain what is your meaning of "the only way forward" ! Is it hunting with guns that you don't like or is it the shooting of leopards that you don't agree with - or is it the dog's?
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yuFy_qjolU
  8. Immigrant's have all the jobs.....No excuse needed!
  9. They want you for a new recruit---- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InBXu-iY7cw
  10. Are these lagre enough LOL - I have several sets in this class be willing to part with - We could do the deal through pay pal - also mule deer and whitetail horns are availible - pics on request
  11. Great pictures - Put up some video clips if you have them.....
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz8ZUkw4mUg OR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3Ya6z-NlDo I like the squirrel launcher - line them up and shoot them at the RSPCA when they are in the neighborhood....
  13. You like the clips so much - here is one for you.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPC0kTWaE7I
  14. I don't know how they judge or keep score.... It's practice for a much bigger event.... I think this clip explains the point - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQfhvj4OHoY
  15. The RC plane was made from paper from a koran!
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVms5xxwpEE
  17. Winter is the best time.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h11LacRtpV8
  18. Even though I seen this one before I will give you a point and a clapper...
  19. If your Laddie was over here I would hire him to make some of those plackard/sheild's and mount some antlers up for me....
  20. see we can have a bit of friendly banter SG there cracking them antlers.send me a set lol $250 and you pay the shipping for a similar set on the skull, will send pics if interested ...I have so many that I have no room left to hang them ... I live in a small house now..... how about i just pay the shipping ya miserable b*****d ill send you a haggis you could start a breeding programme I am pretty sure I know what haggis is ---- Go ahead and send a box with return shipping paid and I'll fill it up for ya..... see we can have a bit of friendly banter S
  21. KmQntakeapictureofyourweepecker <----- now that is a small picture.....
  22. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: hunting Top Home > Library > Miscellaneous > Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Pursuit of game animals, principally as sport. To early humans hunting was a necessity, and it remained so in many societies until recently. The development of agriculture made hunting less necessary as a sole life support, but game was still pursued in order to protect crops, flocks, or herds, as well as for food. Weapons now commonly used in hunting include the rifle, shotgun, and the bow and arrow, and methods include stalking, still-hunting (lying in wait), tracking,
  23. Well put chimp..... I have a tat of a bar code on the back of my my trigger finger - done when I was a military contractor - the feckin thing glow's in the dark and itches like hell when I shoot an Illegal immigrant.....
  24. there cracking them antlers.send me a set lol $250 and you pay the shipping for a similar set on the skull, will send pics if interested ...I have so many that I have no room left to hang them ... I live in a small house now..... how about i just pay the shipping ya miserable b*****d ill send you a haggis you could start a breeding programme I am pretty sure I know what haggis is ---- Go ahead and send a box with return shipping paid and I'll fill it up for ya.....
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