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Everything posted by ratter1234

  1. a friend of mine concretes his bowls in a small base.
  2. she was put in pup about 2 weeks ago by my whippet x, but due to her age thought it was best to stop the pregnancy. when is a suitable age to let a bitch have pups ???
  3. a friend of mine had the dam and the sire accidentaly got to her, resulting in pups, i decided i needed something a bit bigger and brought one for £100 there was 11 in the litter and i think most of them went onto working homes and are gettin on very well.
  4. sire was a greyhound and mother was a alsation, so far se is coming on in leaps and bounds and very happy with her. how old is your pup mate? as far as i am concerned you wont get a better cross than this they have inteligence plenty of speed with loads of bottle and can do anything that any lurchur man would require of a dog. i dont understand why there isnt more of these crosses about. she is 13 months old, still young as far as running pups are concerned but she had excelled at everythin i have asked of her. and yeah i think your right, they are very bright and plenty of stamina. co
  5. once again thanks for putting it on here for me, i am in the process of trying to learn to do it myself. and yeah she is a priviliage to own and work with.
  6. sire was a greyhound and mother was a alsation, so far se is coming on in leaps and bounds and very happy with her. how old is your pup mate? as far as i am concerned you wont get a better cross than this they have inteligence plenty of speed with loads of bottle and can do anything that any lurchur man would require of a dog. i dont understand why there isnt more of these crosses about. she is 13 months old, still young as far as running pups are concerned but she had excelled at everythin i have asked of her. and yeah i think your right, they are very bright and plenty of stamina. co
  7. sire was a greyhound and mother was a alsation, so far se is coming on in leaps and bounds and very happy with her. how old is your pup mate? as far as i am concerned you wont get a better cross than this they have inteligence plenty of speed with loads of bottle and can do anything that any lurchur man would require of a dog. i dont understand why there isnt more of these crosses about. she is 13 months old, still young as far as running pups are concerned but she had excelled at everythin i have asked of her. and yeah i think your right, they are very bright and plenty of stamina. co
  8. sire was a greyhound and mother was a alsation, so far se is coming on in leaps and bounds and very happy with her. how old is your pup mate? as far as i am concerned you wont get a better cross than this they have inteligence plenty of speed with loads of bottle and can do anything that any lurchur man would require of a dog. i dont understand why there isnt more of these crosses about. she is 13 months old, still young as far as running pups are concerned but she had excelled at everythin i have asked of her. and yeah i think your right, they are very bright and plenty of stamina. co
  9. sire was a greyhound and mother was a alsation, so far se is coming on in leaps and bounds and very happy with her. how old is your pup mate? as far as i am concerned you wont get a better cross than this they have inteligence plenty of speed with loads of bottle and can do anything that any lurchur man would require of a dog. i dont understand why there isnt more of these crosses about. she is 13 months old, still young as far as running pups are concerned but she had excelled at everythin i have asked of her. and yeah i think your right, they are very bright and plenty of stamina. co
  10. sire was a greyhound and mother was a alsation, so far se is coming on in leaps and bounds and very happy with her.
  11. the dam was a alsation with a greyhound as the sire, so far she is coming on in leaps and bounds.
  12. had 16 bunnies with the alsation x grey pup last night, but dont know how to put some photos up. is there any one who can help??
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