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Everything posted by !!Lurcher96!!

  1. does anyone use this on their dogs cut pads..................................whereabouts can you buy it from
  2. if you glue it how long would it be to the dog could run again?
  3. went out a walk last nyt with my bitch and she has cut her paw quite bad just wondering which is the best cream or spray to use?
  4. jist out of intrest are the any good and do the have a good beam thinking of buying one......how do the compare to the lightforce lamps.......is it worth paying extra for the dimmer?
  5. just wondering if anyone makes their own and what materials you use?
  6. whats the best websites for hunting knifes
  7. just wondering what are the best type of knifes for gutting rabbits i use a folding knife but think it is utter shit
  8. shreaded paper keeps the dogs warm only thing is its messy
  9. even when shes on a rabbit she dosent look as if shes putting all her effort in dont get me wrong she catches rabbits but dosent see to pressure them as much as she could thanks lurcher96
  10. jist wondering if anyone could tell where i could get rabbit pemission in the auldgirth,dalswinton,dumfries,sanquhar i would be using my two year old saluki whippet greyhound bitch fully stock broken and works well on rabbits all comments appericiated cheers lurcher96.
  11. im am getting really sick with my two year old bitch for quite along time now i have been taking her out with the tennis ball and she only chaces the ball twice and the the rest of the time she just lies down and when i start walking she will not run about with my pup she just walks at my side non stop is their anway i can stop her from being so LAZY?
  12. jist wondering the best way to get a lurcher at the peak of its fitness
  13. for sale i have xbox 30 kinect in mint condition only been used once or twice it includes two games ,fighters uncaged and kinect adventuresworks fine only thing is the box got thrown out pick up only open to offers cheers lurcher96
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