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Everything posted by dillan

  1. dillan


    Only great minds can read this. If you can, you can read any post on here This is weird, but interesting! fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm.
  2. Nice one fireman, take my hat off to you
  3. Wasn`t me No I know mate I was referreing to your fears being alleviated
  4. Your a star Had days tapping my fingers, alot better now
  5. Good post SpadeEnd, smart terrier, good to see terrier doing what terriers do, dont forget he is a young dog and on a learning curve, he can only get better, you should be well proud of him. ATB
  6. Nice one GD, cant`t beat a bit of rattin
  7. Nice one tye, theres a few more not taking over the world
  8. Ratattacks, oil an gas not cheap, go out at slightest breeze, suffer blowbacks, you stink like a chipshop, no noise or vibration which helps rats to bolt. All I can suggest is to buy a brand new motor either a chain saw or strimmer, The trouble is with second hand motors they can be tempremental and unreliable. ATB
  9. Dodgy yes but safety as always was paramount. The dogs were always safe, the rats weren't Nice one
  10. Good post Mushroom , bit dodgy though with guns, what with fleeing rats and terriers in hot persuit. ALB
  11. Yes it is Jamie, BBB- That is the spitting image of the one I kept back, will get photo of mine when I get some daylight Pointer-Would need to clear it with terrierman before posting pic of stud dog, its lines, nutall on one side and midleton on the other
  12. Few months ago, kept a full red/tan bitch back, more like a fell. Will put her back to a plummer when she`s a proven worker. I thought I was first to do this but found out many people have done this with JR`s, Patterdales and red fells. A lot of thought went into this as well as speaking to a few well respected terrier men. Had contemplated Beagle, but would take a few generations for size to come down and ears to come up. Bull cross been done, not without its problems as I understand, but have seen some nice stamps, contemplated JR`s but would throw a lot of white. So decided Fell, after all
  13. Hi Gem. it may be a good idea to google, plummer terrier association, european plummer and plummer terrier club of great britain, as it is a large subject to discuss and may promote alot more debates on here Cheers
  14. just read that to our lass, tears rolling down my face
  15. What ever you call it make it short and snappy. Try dog names on google, good selection there
  16. Remember going to chemist for that stuff, couldnt pronounce it, so gave her a piece of paper with full title, she came back with a bottle, took me to one side and in a soft sympathetic voice she said `if symptoms still persist call back` just loud enough for everyone in shop to hear. Could`nt tell her it was for dogs bald tails and ears as it is frowned upon, they wont sell any medicines etc for animals, strange really afterall most are tested on animals at the time. Anyway you could imagine my embaresment when I got home and read instructions for scabies no wonder she was sympathetic with me
  17. Know a few who do, trouble is because of too much inbreeding from Billy, faults have started to rise generations down the line. eg although my bitch has a good mouth she had thrown a bad mouth, even through selective breeding, obviously carriers, thats why I out crossed this time to new blood, Fell, hoping to clean it up. Kept a bitch back, 4 month old now, fingers crossed.
  18. Had his son, lost him to ground, sufocation,5yr old, gutted. He`s the one at the back of the 4. I mated him to the bitch in front of him and and kept 2 bitches at the forefront of photo. I currently have Billy`s granddaughter, greatgrandson and greatgranddaughter.
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