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Everything posted by DOVEY182009

  1. Wud trust my bullx 100% any day, most gentle dog i ever owned [bANNED TEXT] it cums to people.
  2. Best advise put forward to u that mate, take everything said and [bANNED TEXT] happend and take it to ur solicitor, these blokes/women make mountains outa mole hills and know the law inside out and also know there way around most laws, get a gud 1 and u'll be ok
  3. Even the best socialised dogs aren't keen on a strange dog tearing up towards their owner when they're on a lead in my experience, especially if the can't read the dogs intentions: My little JRT gets like that when she's coming into season. She runs up and flaunts herself at any dog that might be nearby. It might sound like a load of crap to some people, but with her docked tail the dogs she's running at to 'whore' herself too can't always read her intentions. For that reason alone I always put her on a lead round other dogs now. Hope everything works out for yo
  4. Most dogs u know aint socialised properly then
  5. U had permition to be on the land, he never so shud hav just sed or slipped ur dog on the nearest rabit.
  6. Ur dog maywell ov aproached the other dog being friendly and the other dog attcked urs maybee thats why it was on the lead, but if ur dog was loose and and the other on a lead then they probably av u by the short n curlys. But doesn't go to say his dog is under controll just coz it was on a lead and if the misshap wasn't 1 way trafic then it was ur dog against another and 2 people, if it wer me they wud hav a reason to claim compo.
  7. Quality dog mate, proper example unlike sum of the shite wich claim to be the real i am, well she certainly iss...
  8. That is bad crack :sick: still watched it till the end tho lol
  9. So [bANNED TEXT] do you do with ur retired dogs wich hav had 2/3 times the season u just sed? Do u shoot them aswel for giving u years of pleasure?? TITTT!!!!
  10. Get him on a saluki greyhound bitch mate
  11. Think it's a discrace to pts a healthy dog because it has made a mistake (big 1) in this case but there are plenty of people who wud take a dog on as just a pet or even giv the dog to a decent dog man who can spend time and efort braking the dog to stock properly without giving up on 1'st hurdle. Discrace if u ask me!!!!! And as for u saying its people who post pictures all ova web givng mp's the upper hand, u just put pictures up saying here she is last season on the lamp.
  12. I recon in the lewis fight tyson could hav got up and fight on and tbh, his heart and head were elsewhere, he was beaten end ov It wasn't his fighting skills that ended his cerier it was coz he is f*cked up in the head
  13. Tyson was a pure beast, all in all not at all the better boxer but 1 punch changes everything... And punch tyson cud.
  14. sum how i dont think so mate, a rematch with that bigger boxer [bANNED TEXT] they both in their prime, we all know the outcum.
  15. my pup just had leftover keeeebab,meat,onions,lettuce,tomato,cucumber,cabbage, pitta bread,chilli sauce. Wouldn't want to be the 1 cleaning the shite up after that lol. Nout wrong with table scraps however regular aslong as it's worthy. Myn get dry mix, and raw beef and tripe. I find the morning before a hard night giving them raw beef chunks helps as it contains lots ov fat.
  16. Yeah and to be a black person in the uk now is heavan!!
  17. Was up allendale where i got the albeino, pure white with pinky red eyes. Will rake pic out [bANNED TEXT] get time.
  18. Neva saw a wild black rabbit but did catch an albeino rabbit with me dog early last season.Was amazing to see, i was buzzing coz probably 1 in a million chance of seeing 1 let alone catch 1. [NO TEXT TALK] else eva saw 1? i've got sum pics sumwhere
  19. Think saluki/coursing dogs hav the highest prey drive, my 12m old pup i have atm has had a v high prey drive from a v younge age. Soon as the lead is on he knows [bANNED TEXT] he wants, he's more game than any dog i hav saw run. can't realy hav to high ov a drive untill it cums to stock training.
  20. Ohh yeah mate, a few v gud dogs wud be well tested on 1, a couple standing by asswell coz the hardest of dogs cud jack or hav it'sface ripped off.
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