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Everything posted by DOVEY182009

  1. Spot on mate thats the way to think you know how many times he has been studded? I'm sure there wil be a well tested dog out of him somewhere wich is worth breeding from. Hows the bitch bred wich you wanted to put him to??
  2. Absolute pair of f*****g ideots, everytime i see the c**ts on tv it pisses me off because they are 2 faggots that cant even sing. If theywernt a pair of halfwits and could sing i would put it down to jealousy but f**k me, come on!!!
  3. It relaxes muscles, releives cramp etc. basicly just lyk elecctric impulses masaging ur dog. Good for injurys, nerves and stuff. I only know what i've been told but most coursing lads swear by them because you will get that bit extra out of the dog when its starting to cramp up and stuff. I've got 1 with the treatment head but just need to get round to geting a box and a board nocked up.
  4. Butcher it's full of pricks on here who cant see past there own nose, stick with the hwh site mate you will get good crack, info and anything else you need to know from the lads on there. I have noticed on here, MOST are only interested in there own opinions. I have got a pup out of tobey to a kc bitch called dixie queen. Why do yo want to know about pups from tobey??
  5. Exactly mate, BUT maybee the bloke was just being genuine?? Atleast he nocked on ur door andasked you instead of turning up at night for 5 finger discount. Better to be safe then sorry tho especialy when yougave him loadsa abuse.
  6. Think this is the nearest the poppy burning stunt has come to being publicised, has anyone actually saw it on the news because i sure have not!! It's a f*****g discrace, i'm sick ov reading about it on here because it pisses me off soo much. (and i have a headache off banging my head againsr the wall.
  7. the kinda person, that is sick to the back teeth a watching his not so great britain, been took for 1 big ride Need say no more, readies post aswell.
  8. Well said mate and cheers for that picture athose of you who havn't already,, take a look at ths thread. Its a f*****g discrace!! http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/177761-white-racist-jailed/page__view__getnewpost__fromsearch__1
  9. "Publishing something that is abusive and insulting and that is likely to stir racial hatred is against the law and the CPS will work with the police to prosecute robustly anyone who does so." Those dirty b*****ds that burnt the poppy wer protected by the police instead ov being arrested. How come they can side step the law quoted above just because they are muslim???
  10. Looking well mate, good luck getting him going properly. Shudn't hav a problem, he's a big strong dog.
  11. Thats spot on mate, you need to build confidence in jumping just lyk most things with a lurcher, the amount of times my pup misstimed a jump is endless.
  12. Jumping is a must for me, not so much whilst chasing on the lamp as u can stop most things from making off through gaps with a quick shake of the lamp, most frustrating thing is [bANNED TEXT] u hav to lift a dog over every gate and fence in sight, i hav a bullx that will jump fine whilst chasing but wont jump when just passing over a gate or fence, my saluki pup clears the big 6 bar gates even without touching them sometimes so the barbedwire fences are not a problem injury wise.
  13. If u get nabbed then u get nabbed, plain and simple, ''give me 5 minutes to get my ferret then i'll be off.''
  14. I neva slagged no mate,read back i was just giving an opinion then was called a wanker for that opinion. [bANNED TEXT] difference does a peace of paper make in the point ur trying to put across? I'm not slagging, just saying thats all.
  15. Moron "If you can't get permission" Get of your fat arse and get knocking on doors twats like you want it on a plate it ain't hard so whats your excuse? Dont drive get a bike :wankerzo4: What a titt, suppose u hav never poached in ur life? i hav no permition so i poach, if i had permision i wud still poach so shut it, and i can asure u i do more than you [bANNED TEXT] it cums to dogs/hunting and basicly being out and about. most land owners go on like arse holes when u give them a nock and its not like am sum chav!! So happy poaching lads and hopefully i stumble upon this ars
  16. Moron "If you can't get permission" Get of your fat arse and get knocking on doors twats like you want it on a plate it ain't hard so whats your excuse? Dont drive get a bike :wankerzo4: What a titt, suppose u hav never poached in ur life? i hav no permition so i poach, if i had permision i wud still poach so shut it, and i can asure u i do more than you [bANNED TEXT] it cums to dogs/hunting and basicly being out and about. most land owners go on like arse holes when u give them a nock and its not like am sum chav!!
  17. If u can't get any permision then what else u meant to do?? Not every1 has the lux of having permision and as the majority know, it ain't easy to cum across, it's only the idiots who misstreat land but most decent lads who poach u wudn't hav a clue they have been there.
  18. My bull x does this now and again, i put it down to brains myself or even energy saving but it is very frustraiting especialy when u slip another dog in same situation and it takes the rabbit. I think it benifits them as they also tend to trott/stalk onto squaters so when the rabbit takes up,, the dog can easily give chase without over running in the 1'st place if the rabbit bolts in oposite direction.
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