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Everything posted by DOVEY182009

  1. thanks mate, i will be investing in 1 after christmas. Will you have them forsale at this price in the near future?
  2. never tried pastels,nearly always ink on skin,i am willing to have a pop at it though
  3. wich do you use mate, could you tell me where you get it from, cheers..
  4. i'm using the snydes wonderdog green but switch t the purple in the summer [bANNED TEXT] dogs are less active or when injured. Switching to the euk tho, dogs go well on the snydes so should be 10 times better on the good stuff. do you ge urs from houghton mate?
  5. HBG tais class mate, how much did that cost yu and what size is it? Ryno could you do a colage (spelling) as mentioned earlier, with pastols in te same detail and quality as HBG's picture? cheers.
  6. Course he would have lost out,he cleared the clubs debts only to see them in the second tier of English football,having sold the club then he would have lost millions.....he stuck with it and now look what they are worth again..... Its like any buiseness its a risk and timing is everything....he,s not a fantastic buisenessman for nothing and now he,s in a great position again,he obviously had faith in his investment and fair play to him....the fact Hughton has now been outed suggests to me he,s playing with a double or quits mentality. I stand corrected mate never hd any interest
  7. My bulx was food agressive towards my young saluki but not towards people, i dealt with it by putting food down and not letting either dog feed untill i gavethe thumbs up. This way the dogs see it as ur food and they cant touch i untill u say so. I can hac them eating ot of 1 bowl if i wanted now but before it wud hav been a blood bath. It worked for me. Correct the pup before it even gets te chance to growle or bite.
  8. Billionaire buiseness men dont make decisions like that just to piss people off mate.....he stayed because he would have lost a lot of money,as it turns out his gamble paid off....he could sell the club now and break even but it looks like he,s about to take another gamble and go for a profit....you gotta admire that. You are right gnash this was nothing to do with keeping fans happy it was a pure and simple business decision,football is a world-wide business now.No manager or club is safe from being exploited for money. Of course it was [bANNED TEXT] but remember, he had the choice
  9. Ashley doen't even lyk the club, he ony stayed to piss the fanns off coz he was getin shit. Next sunderland v newcasle game the tables will turn. (hopefully)
  10. Getting wacked by them lecky fences isn't funny at all My bullx got zapped and squeeled lyk a biatch and i was thinking what a puff,, i touched it whilst ducking under, next thing i knew i hit the floor lyk a sack of shite. Canny momement when my bullx took my [bANNED TEXT] clean off his feet whilst running flat out
  11. Hello mate i'm the lad who wanted the dvds and said i would get intouch with you. My mother is coming tomoro and she has a paypall acount so do i need to get intouch with you before i pay money into acount? How does it work coz i aint got a clue,, thanks...

  12. get some geramitex or chlorocarb and and dunk the ferret in or spray it. doesn't smell to clever but nothing will go near for months.
  13. very true. I take it these dogs have been scanned and placed on doglost they may have been stolen and dumped Yes you could be right, especialy that saluki tpye in the last picture, more than likely been stolen, ran into the floor then dumped once it got injured.
  14. Get him behind some proper longears and see if he can cope, once i get my licence that is so could be within the next 20 years haa..
  15. If i left food infront of myn constantly i'd have a £100 a week food bill and a dog the size of a rotty. Constantly on the mooch for food, even 2 seconds after being fed.
  16. hi dovey,were is hunting with hounds ,gary, aint seen him on here for a while,cant find him even on my friends list ,was trying to contact him a month ago to see if he was breeding toby to dixie qeen again as l wanted a bitch pup from him that must off been is last litter the pup you got ,you say he very fast ,suprizing with all that saluki in him ,l ended up buying 2 pups from the barny dog ,barny being the grandfather to my pups,atb mate Hello mate, i don't know garry personaly but he pops up on the hwh site now n then. He doesn'town dixie queen anymore and i dont think tobey is fo
  17. Heard it before but it was told a bit better lol, nice 1 tho...
  18. asdar, where will i find this asdar wagner is the man . vote wagner :11:
  19. Sad to see the majority of them are old aged running/working breed. I would love to say most of the dogs are lost and the owner is dying to get them back but sadly, i very much doubt it.
  20. And he is 14 month and cream in colour with white socks.
  21. Plenty of speed in him and he stays very tight on them but the thing is the is too much cover in the small feilds for an inexperienced dog. Soon as he gets on the big land he will do well. Can't see him ever jacking, will run untill he colapsed if he had to.After a hard night lamping i let him off near home and he belts all ova full ov energy asif he just been let off for 1st time.
  22. He's only young mate, hamering them on the lamp but he hasn't been tested daytime, Its all small feilds round my way so he cant get to grips wi them properly and show [bANNED TEXT] he has to offer. I'm sure as soon as i can test him he will come good.
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