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Everything posted by DOVEY182009

  1. Just because beta puppy got high protein don't mean nowt mate. Fact.. growth spurts in young can cause weak joints, certain breeds suffer especialy so they benefit from being fed a specific diet... Though a lot of people do use beta pupy so that speaks for its self. From my own experience, to much protein a pups diet gives them the squirts constantly especialy when fed along with raw meat wich has everything a dog needs. Any dry mix dog food is for convenience.
  2. Alright mate hills science plan does all sorts of different dry mix. Hav a look on the hyperdrug website. How olds the pup? Science plan tell you wich grub to feed for the age of the dog. And. Liver will be fine for the pup. I wud use something with limited protien for a growing pup as to much causes growth spurts wich results in weak bones.
  3. Alright mate hills science plan does all sorts of different dry mix. Hav a look on the hyperdrug website. How olds the pup? Science plan tell you wich grub to feed for the age of the dog. And. Liver will be fine for the pup. I wud use something with limited protien for a growing pup as to much causes growth spurts wich results in weak bones.
  4. How big are you? 6 foot tall and full ov muscle
  5. Maybe i am making assumtions, you're right, i shouldn't do, but like i said i'm new to this and can only go on what i've read. I was asking mainl i nreference to his breeding Sorry fo being a tit! Whin you sound like an arsehole. Like the lad said."he's new to it" so why be a c**t? The lad only asked for knowledge on a certain line And the question he asked was relative to the toppic. Anyway, carry on lads good reading on this thread...
  6. Maybe i am making assumtions, you're right, i shouldn't do, but like i said i'm new to this and can only go on what i've read. I was asking mainl i nreference to his breeding Sorry fo being a tit! Whin you sound like an arsehole. Like the lad said."he's new to it" so why be a c**t? The lad only asked for knowledge on a certain line
  7. I've been told by a few people that using detol burns the skinn around the wound and increases scar tissue and infact makes healing time longer although I used to use it in the past. Try get ur hands on some cream called skinn sure, halved the wounds healing time [bANNED TEXT] aplied after a good clean with whatever you use.
  8. Get iodine at local chemist mate. That's all I realy use and as the lad says, salty water. Can't realy go wrong wi that but ill be trying that purple spray cum next season, most folk swear by it.
  9. Loads of folk use purple spray mate. If I was working terriers I defanately wudnt be doing without penacilen.
  10. Loads of folk use purple spray mate. If I was working terriers I defanately wudnt be doing without penacilen.
  11. Where abouts are u from mate. I use a place down hendon in sunderland. U can buy as little or as much as u need.. they also deliver to certain areas aswell. For future reference if u want to buy in bulk.
  12. I've got tv3 on my box but its the only channel in that catigory that doesn't work. Tipical!! All the Punjabi news and all that shite works tho.
  13. It's usually the wolly holding the lead constantly on edge wich causes bother. My mothers x partner used to constantly getting nervous and picking his dog up rusulting in my saluki (wich was a pup at the time) and his dog constantly wanting to get amongst it. When he wasn't there they were fine with eachother.
  14. Most winter hares on big land are hard to keep on the beam, I would hav thought even if ur running a seasond dog that takes em regular by day. Saw a few make my young dog look poor [bANNED TEXT] a week before he was hamering thm with eyes shut. All pre ban.
  15. Used him not so long ago [bANNED TEXT] u put me on to him. He's a nice bloke aswell.
  16. I have a copy of the book here, $40 posted if anyone interested.??
  17. Haha, does it hav a lady boy catigory?? But its not for me, its for a friend."as the saying goes on here"
  18. what if the ghost is female. and liked to touch ya in all the right places in the morning? hahaa! don't want to answer that 1 on an open forum.
  19. Ur alot braver than me, if i fr 1 minute thought there was anything in my house i would be away!
  20. My first dog was a bullx, never realy wanted a bull x in general but before i started running dogs, a lurcher was a lurcer to me. All i wanted was something to hunt with and i done canny well with him considering. I would say go ahead and get urself a bullx as a 1st dog because i've had no problem at all with mine. (obviously cant speak for everyone.) Then i got a saluki and i was told by evryone he would be a nightmare but i couldn't ask for a better dog.
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