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harehound man

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Everything posted by harehound man

  1. lots of info there man thanks for that hopefully i can give it a better diet
  2. hi lads can anbody tell me the best meat to feed my dog i have been feeding him a mix of cooked bacon and beta gryhound 28 %protein but now i have an option of getting lamb offcuts from the belly would this be better to feed him also should i cook it or feed it raw
  3. think she was just in a panic prob only a couple of mins
  4. 10 minutes, that would be some run. thats whwt she said to me i didnt think he was anywhere that fit at the mo
  5. have walked and cover this feild and surrounding feilds only ever got rabbits i was f****n sin lads .oh and he wont be running tonight he is as happy as larry
  6. ask the ma to take the dog for a quick walk down the back feild to warm him up before i took him out tonight 20 mins max ,1 hour passes no sign of her so go looking, what i find, her crying and pissed off at me.the dog with the hare f****n delighted with himself. as soon as she went through the gate a hare got up , dog took off after it ran 4 feilds a picked it up after 10 mins . her pissed off at me im pissed off i didnt see it
  7. the dogs neck is 17 1/2 inches round, was looking for something of leather maybe 2 1/2 to 3 inches wide and a little thicker than normal if you could give me a price
  8. hi lads looking for celtic collars made from leather got some of ebay and there shit only get bought a year out of them need a good strong one for my dog anybody know where i can get one?
  9. lads the dog is nearly back to her own self she flying it at the moment will be brought lamping on mon night ,the difference a good home makes
  10. ok lads just got the dog home had to pay the 100EURO his name was peter he is after givivig the details of the fella he bought her off and he said he paid 200 EURO ,thanks for all the replys lads
  11. yea thats it a fella just rang me there thinks he might be able to get it back for me
  12. lads i dont want to scare this fella off she is the blue bitch have pics to prove she is his do you think the guards would help
  13. was taking from gorey area now in carlow
  14. this dog was always a worker he has had her from the age of 14 he is 19 now but doesnt have the money going to try reason with this fella a bit
  15. hi lads a neighbour of mine had a dog stolen on him early last year found it today on donedeal but the person wont hand it over with out 100 EURO any adivce
  16. hi lads im heading over to france and going to bring back an air rifle any recomadations
  17. started on the lamp as pup with a friend of mine but i changed over to day time ,as i just preferred this style of hunting . never hunted him with ferret
  18. hi lads this is my lurcher for free stud he is a1/2 hound ,1/4 bull ,1/4 whippet . he has done a good few long ears one or two charlies but don,t really like hunting these but he likes them alot he is 4 this september, there is a massive drive in this dog any questions just ask
  19. never seen anything go off topic as quick ,why post shite ,was asking for a reason so hopefully i could hunt these dogs
  20. hi lads do any of you know of any working strains left from working bloodlines
  21. i have a very similar breed of dog but he is now turning four was a nightmare at first but now is so smart its a pure pleasure to work with him ,keep your dog the best is about to come from him yet
  22. does anyone have a number for her ,i think she lives in n ireland
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