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Everything posted by mickey

  1. Hya, Ive had the same trouble with my lurcher, shes 22 inches to the shoulder and very timid. I started her on a short piece of 4" sheep fencing inbetween 2 posts hammered into the ground with small hooks at 4 inch centres on each side. Bent the sheep netting in half to make half the height and hung it on the lowest setting (bout 18 inches) from the ground, Then with the lead on i stepped over first and encouraged her over(a small hop) When she eventually jumped over she was rewarded with food or a throwing of her ball.This way she associates the jump/fence with a posotive. Never drag your dog
  2. My lurcher pup wont kill. she gets up to her quarry and then she dosent seem to know what to do. She is nine months old and very timid. Someone has suggested putting her with a rat. Any ideas anyone?
  3. I took him out the other day and he was steady, I shot i couple of hares which he ran off with, One of which he finished off. He would not leave them and he eventualy came back to heel with it still in his mouth which he duely gave me, Just seemed a bit excited. Wouldnt go near the woodcock i shot though (but i wasnt exoecting him to) was pleased with his performance though. Thanks for the replys lads
  4. Got a heavy greyhound used for walked up shooting

  5. Ive got a 3 1/2 year old greyhound. Hes well built and fit and not to stupid (for a greyhound) He comes back on call and is steady to heel. Im going to start working him rough shooting and a bit of lamping soon, hes never had any live quarry to deal with. Im just after any advice and tips or common pitfalls i shuld be aware of,
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