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Everything posted by swifty123

  1. hello pete welcome to the hunting life
  2. got a wippet bull greyhound bitch and she is like lightning
  3. nice pup got a bull x myself brillant dogs
  4. saluki x bull x greyhound got to be best all rounder
  5. nice dog mate got a wippet bull greyhound myself do you use him on the lamp
  6. 1st cross saluki greyhound saluki for the stamina greyhound for the speed
  7. sounds to big to be a saluki bull greyhound at 4 months old
  8. has any body got a spaniel for bushing rabbits and what are they like
  9. whats uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
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