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About lee-kinsman

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Interests
    Shooting, Fishing, cycling,

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  1. Nice dog. Training should start at 8 weeks
  2. Chudleys is a dog food brand. I've never heard of Chudley gundog or the like, do they have a website? Modern cockers these days are very closely bred. For what your going to pay for a trialing dog (one that has alot of red in the pedigree) you will pay for a reqular working dog but heres the thing, the majority of them all come from the same trialing ancestry. If you get a pup that has FTCH Dander Druid, FTCH Darnell Dealer, FTCH Maesydderwen Scimitar, FTCH Mallowdale Zander, you'll do alright. The majority of cockers have those dogs once or twice in there pedigree.
  3. A short video of a bit of training with my golden retriever dog and cocker bitch. Both valuable members of the shooting team. My young Golden Retriever bitch nearly 9 months old, she's just getting to the stage where we can start progressing onto long marked/memory retrieves to teach her to run a straight line. Hope you enjoy
  4. Just wanted to share these. The labs are litter brother and sister and very different in character. Hope you enjoy. Lee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exdTW9t71Nw
  5. Just a short video of a usual training session with my Golden Retriever. I'm well pleased with how well he is doing for 10 1/2 months. Hope you enjoy and apologies for the poor commentary and camera work. Lee
  6. Depends what deer your shooting. For me 30-06 is far to expensive, 308 has a trajectory like a rainbow and is too slow, 270 is quality but I don't shoot reds so don't need one. My choice is .243, cheap enough, hard hitting and a good range of ammo to use as a foxing and stalking rifle.
  7. At the end of the day you can only bag what you can hit. Pointer or springer they will never be able to present the quarry exactly how you want it. Once they've found it the rest is up to the person with the gun. Pointers come into there own in large open areas and spaniels are generally better in thick cover
  8. Don't believe the lies that other party's such as Labour and Conservative and media are saying about UKIP. From now until election day (Thursday 7th May) UKIP will be releasing video's stating there policies and reasons why you should vote them in. If you only ever vote once in your life but you want change, this is the year for you to vote and vote UKIP for your local council, UKIP for you parliamentary candidate and UKIP for your government. Don't miss you opportunity to create Great British history.
  9. She's FTCH Rowston Spikey x FTAW Nantsannan Ammelia and she'll be 2 in May. Thank you.
  10. After my last vid of her doing some picking up a few peoples asked to see her quartering so heres a vid that I've managed to put together. Enjoy.
  11. Thanks Buckshot, do I know you? Yeah I believe he's planning a litter this year, all the best to him is what I say.
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