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About keymac88

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 20/08/1988

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  1. Fecking sick I live very close were was it anywere near crown Ill keep my eyes open
  2. Seen it today were he get knocked out still doesn't beat dog the bounty hunter
  3. I'm wondering if he bought the gun off some one on ere haha
  4. You must of had a lot of practice with that camera Fuji and them dogs look in fine form credit to ya ?
  5. Lol how can you tell just from the fact they've advertised on pre loved that its all for money and nothing else, how's that any different to it being up on here ? I've spoke to him today told him I can give the dog a good working home were he will be brought up with my other working lurcher but due to a heavy car bill though f*****g Mazda I'm abit tight on cash at the moment I woudnt expect a good dog for free and in a couple of months I would happily hand over the cash plus he can keep in contact regular and see its progress got told come back when you got cash so in my eyes yes it is
  6. Looks like tescos got some hurdles to jump
  7. gotta be an eiser way to this
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