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Everything posted by pie

  1. i worry for the dog,getting stepped on etc,the kids and dog soon learn,but as folk have said supervision is always sensible.
  2. i like the sound of that x,looks the biz to,nice one mate.
  3. That's an honest post from someone who owns a whippet xgreyhound I've not seen one run for a while but for sheer elegant almost artistic coursing combined with manic single mindedness to bring down their bunny or hare the ones I saw were very exciting to watch . Probably a bit of a specialist enthusiasts breed rather than an everyday lurcher though. they sure are got to take your time with this type,but on the right ground they dont miss much,seat of yer pants stuff,as i say its good to be cautious,a very steady breed easy to keep.
  4. ive got whip/grey from cracking lines,by the sound of it you may be better with the natural stamina of the collie,unless you av time to work on that with a whipxgrey,whipxgrey can be prone to injury so its always an idea to walk the ground before you go,mind you beat this cross for raw speed,good luck
  5. so,..................the conclusion?,nobodys been done,nice one for jeremy kyle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. deary me,i forgot what i started reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,
  7. im in itfor the sport so actual catches can be a bonus,i would rather have several good runs and no bag than plenty easy catches,or to meet in the middle i would call that a good night.
  8. my mates got 1,hard working they are,superb stamina to,lacks top end,ive got a whippet/grey we think my very steady bitch wld be a good x with him.
  9. ive jst read through a few comments,whippet/grey,your hearts in your mouth [bANNED TEXT] they go,always check your ground,i learned the hard way,she aint daft wont chase a lure,me as my witness run through the middle of 2 top dogs,fast n accurate,pick your ground b
  10. somtimes other dogs jst get in the way of this very sharp runnin dog,lots of fun loyalty stamina needs wrk,sure every body with this type agrees?
  11. ive got a greyxwhippet n shes kicked the ass off a few dogs stamina? well u av to put the work in,she done well today,seen a few loud mouths off,
  12. yeh.twice ive asked that,not tooooooo familiar with the computer yet...........
  13. what you feeding the dog? hes in crackin comdition.
  14. [bANNED TEXT] you feeding the dog? its in crackin condition,well done.
  15. you can have alot of fun with mate,just build up the stamina greadually,mines is grey/whippet bitch,very quick but stamina needs to be kept up with,she will course anything but wont take charlie,give it plenty room to find its legs,they dont like taking bumps.
  16. slow n steady mate,youl know when the dogs making progess
  17. ive been in the company of a beddie x whippet at wrk`,fk lovely over ma greyhound/whippet`
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