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About diggindan

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 13/02/1981

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  • Interests
    any work with terriers,ferreting rough shooting etc,just being out hunting basically!

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  1. Hi, looking to re stock my outdoor aviary after lockdown. Had canary’s stolen last year and b*****ds left doors open so come home to find 5 years of breeding and pairing all gone.. really looking for any finches and canary’s for sale around Cambridgeshire, will travel 50 miles or so, was hoping Stafford might go ahead but want to start ASAP.cheers atb ?
  2. All the best for the future bud. Would love to see it in action , ?
  3. Hiya guys , hope ur all coping during all this lately , thank god for hobbies and for me until yesterday thank god for birds, came home from work today to find out my birds have all gone out of my aviary, ... gutted isn’t the word ! Has any one got any finches for sale around the Cambs /beds area as they’ll be no shows to visit any time soon , I’m guessing. Me and my youngest son have been breeding our birds for the last 4/5 urs and he’s deviated , any spares or this years would be much appreciated as I hate an empty aviary , not looking for charity will pay going rate . Thanks for reading ,
  4. Sure : Laguna dam : 3/4 whippet 1/4 Wheaton. This is for my lad to bring on( but u know I'll be doing the leg work) he loves his ferrets and daytime and he's only. 8, gotta encourage them I think. Better than Xbox. Should be handy little bitch in good time. Atb fellas . I'll update u on her progress/slowgress!
  5. Finally got me hands on this whippet x . Sire and dam both grafters, Laguna lines , fingers crossed she'll be as good as them. Worth the 6 hr journey I hope! Settled in well , keep u posted. Atb
  6. Nice looking dog, similar to mine , alb with him
  7. Bargain that mate, good motors , all the best with the sale.
  8. Got a 5 yr old lurcher bitch, had her 3 yrs, she's always had a small dry patch that comes and goes on her nose, usually put a bit of camrosa on it and it goes away, in the last few days it appears to have spread up the skin more and just onto the nose itself,. It's nowhere else on her just the nose area!!! Was told by a friend it could be exzcema??? Any advice on treatment or diagnosis would be very helpful before I go to vets. Been cleaning it twice a day and using audi cream at the min. Been told fuciderm might help. She doesn't seem bothered by it at all no scratching etc Cheers Danny
  9. Had my first day out diggin for almost a year today, met up with an old pal on his permission, jumped on keepers quad and headed to first earth, collared up the my chocolate dog and he knew straight away why we were there!!! Nice little earth with 4/5 holes, dog went straight in and was baying in minutes, result, let him settle for a bit, got a reading of 1.1m , took us a bit longer to dig down as ground was just hard sticky clay but broke through soon enough and dispatched nice size dog fox. Short and sweet but job well done, my dog was still keen so ran on and searched the earth but nothing
  10. Well done mate, nice looking dog tab, seems keen as mustard!!!
  11. wish there was someone around like u when i was boy. take my hat to u mate
  12. dog in my avatar is half wheeler, im happy with how he's coming 3 digs so far in 1st season, will up date recent pics soon. whatever line, if your happy with ur dog and its doing what u want,thats all that counts.atb
  13. laptop is finally fixed,halle f*****g luyah.

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