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Everything posted by stroller

  1. twenty years ago one of my dogs escaped from her kennel and the yard and was run over the result was the same amputation or put to sleep i thought then and i still do now that i made the right decision to put her to sleep. She was a good dog and the thought of her watching her kennel mates go to work and her being stuck inside would be difficult for both of us to live with. its a tough decision mate but its yours to make
  2. Just heard today that the police are starting a crackdown on poaching in the Co Durham and North Yorks area. By poaching they mean lampers. Working on the assumption rightly or wrongly that people who poach using this method are responsible for a lot of theft and damage in and around farms. Dont shoot the messenger but this has come from a reliable source, so if your out tonight be careful. just shows their ignorance of the sport though as the moon was huge last night not the best time to catch lampers at work
  3. nise dog mate nice hows it bred 3/4 whip bull ? atb BB No mate kelpi x whippet/grey, canny little dog
  4. i only give a supplement until the knuckle is gone usally about six or seven month. i would give one anyway Stuart it cant go wrong but i have seen the pics of your dog and i think its a bonny dog your doing nowt wrong feeding or exercise wise from what i have seen. Mags is a kelpie x whippet/grey
  5. eggs and sardines in oil with a calcium supplement for the pups and i also feed chappie tinned dog fod its easily digested,and you end up with a bonny shiny dog
  6. i shouldnt think they wil grow much taller, they wil now start to put muscle on for the next year or so. it all depends on the x. deerhounds may still grow at that age but most long dog crosses are done by their first season if its a bitch or by 10 months if its a dog.
  7. let him grow up a bit and take him out once a week i had a 3/4 grey colie that didnt catch for ages on the lamp but they get there in the end. i have a little bitch 8 months at the minute i will wait until she is at least 12 months or even older before i take her out on the lamp. she will be used primarily as a ferretting dog so i need her ferreting skills in place before i start something new with her. relax and enjoy his puppy days
  8. you know what you described in your 2nd bit sounds like a typical excited puppy retrieve, just get down on your knees and turn your back to him he will run in to you
  9. i have been looking to feed the dogs a raw food diet for a while now and today bought a load of minced chicken and minced tripe from a wholesale supplier and it was canny cheap easily comparable to dry food.plus i have regular supplies of rabbit i have read various articles on raw food feeding but thought i wuld put it out on this forum to see what your experiences are. How much in weight would you feed to your average lurcher. i know there will be variables depending on how active the dog is etc but just approximisations will do
  10. In Northumberland during the miners strikes in the 70s and again during the protests against the anglo irsh deal in northern ireland in the 80s. black as coal its what it must have been like during the war
  11. try and turn away to get him to follow you and be excited about it he will probably run up to you and dont take the dummy from him let him keep it while you make a fuss of him
  12. i havent a clue about steroids in coursing dgs but i have heard of fighting dogs being given them and even kids who use these dogs as status symbols will pump their dogs up with roids. it seems probable that some nutter will be using them to enhance their dogs performance in the coursing world. i only know about the fighting dog thing through heresay but its from people i have no reason to doubt, and i definately dont agree with dog fighting or have anything to do with dog fighting before i upset anyone,
  13. The saluki x we have is a natural jumper as all saluki bred dogs seem to be, i started the pup as soon as she was out after her injections not anything higher than a 30cms just so she gets used to the command hup.she is jumping most stuff now at 8 months
  14. you have my support mate if you have an email address i wil certainy add my bit
  15. Apologies over my remarks on the Muntjac thread i was having a pain filed day and i get a bit snappy. just heard one of my mates sons has died suddenly, lifes too short to have enemies
  16. Dan How does it work hunting racoon do the dogs chase them up the tree and then you shoot them with a rifle or shtogun? or do you throw the dogs up after them Seriously though i would love to get amongst the sport you have over there and in Australia especialy pig hunting. keep the photos coming its fascnating seeing a different world to ours. i wonder if the coonhound breeds have made over here yet it would be a good breed for our kennel club to ruin. regards
  17. it might be the dog likes to be out in the weather quite a few hill collies up the dale will do that. or maybe the kennel is infested with fleas that can drive the dog out, there might be a physical reason such as smell noise or something like that. Im sure your mate has investigated all of those reasons anyway, dont be offended
  18. What a beast what do you hunt buffalo?? lovely looker in good nick as well
  19. Welcome Jo ignore the arguments (its just like any other forum site) and there are plenty of knowledgable people on here
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