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Everything posted by stroller

  1. i have a kelpie x grew an aggressive little b*****d but flat out worker even at 10 month not perfect by a long way but getting there im not sure what the hybrid thing would bring to it but the kelpie is an intense dog not sure about the acd.
  2. ferreting dog needs to concentrate hard!! she needs to be able to get the basics of obedience easily and work with handsignals as time goes on, she needs to leave a netted rabbit once your there and get back to the job of covering. absolute priority for me is she needs to make strong and positive marks 100%. i work a kelpie x (10month old Pup)and a saluki x and the pup is a better ferreting dog and easier to work with even though the saluki has ferreted all his life he just lacks that full on thing that collie bred dogs have. even at 10 month i can see the dog she will make. good luck
  3. its true what they say then that speed kills?
  4. How do they shape up has anyone had one from a pup? will they mark when ferretting? and retrieve when lamping? are there any working strains? do they all tear like paper? They are stunning dogs you gotta love them
  5. let us know how he comes on i have a strong fancy for a full bred grew
  6. i wouldnt say mags is happy out of her depth in the water but she will run about in it quite happily. but then again with a dog like bob to learn from she will build up her confidence. has the mouse hound had any more rabbits lately jordi?
  7. Anyone got an albino hob, proven worker not too big to line my silver jill she is just coming into season. im in co durham, pm me if you can help Cheers Stroller
  8. turn your back on her she will come round you then take the dummmy from her plenty of praise. you could get her to hang onto a rope in a tug game and let her keep the rope and just give her a hug and a lot of praise before you take it off her
  9. i didnt wear a helmet or a bullet proof vest.but i did work for the english goverment as a contractor played a lot of rugby in the north and south and fell in love with a beautiful girl and stayed for a while. I had more than a brilliant time in fact it was incredible and still have a lot of friends in the north and south. as for the beautiful girl it didnt work out but we still speak and she is still beautiful. enjoy your youth its the biggest gift given
  10. i havent met a longdog or lurcher that wont take game, i dont dispute that they exist, a lot of failures is down to handling. too much too young pushed by belligerence and ignorance. Hey im a dog man im always going to blame people
  11. i lived in ireland for a long time yer fuckers always had enough guns when i was there. i always found the irish a bit on the lightweight side though when it came to the drink. beautiful women though if there are any ginger haired kids born between 1980 and 1985 good looking and hung like a horse looking for their father i have only one thing to say........i have a small dick!!!
  12. Dave thanks for that, i get so annoyed at this sort of thing. your right goodluck
  13. i was a chav before they were invented.i still have my first shell suit and none of my tattoos are spelled correctly i choose my game because i have responsibility to other people. if you havent got that yet then one day when you have maybe you will see the light as for my dogs they have nothing to prove to anyone but me.
  14. whippets can do fox but why f**k about with a little dog that cant take the punishment of persistant fox hunting. buy a pitbull or a gun. what the f**k are you doing asking questions about banned game on a public forum??
  15. brilliant rabbit dog go for it. whippets are speed machines wether it works or not. a lot of working dogs are what they are because of nurture not nature. i could teach a pekingnese to mark sets given it young enough
  16. Tyla you are a beacon of common sense i agree with what you say but i can also see the point of the hunters that wish to stand up to the establishment and i applaud their bravery. Please see my point when i tell you that i dont hunt hare (Why, when i could catch six rabbits instead using the same amount of dog energy) , my dog is too small for fox and i would never ever agree to deer coursing. I would lose my job if i was convicted of any offence and that would deprive my family of a home and a very good quality of life. Earlier today chalkwarren foresaw the future when he mentioned t
  17. kelpie x whippet/grey at 8 weeks and at 8 months
  18. Thats the game mate, life and death. try not to blame yourself ifs, buts and maybes wont help.
  19. i dont know anything about clicker training but if im out ferreting isnt it just another thing to lose or forget and to carry around? if the pup is food obsessed i would reckon you will be fine without it. My pup is timid as well and she just needed socialising as much as possible and still does. be interested to find out if it works for you though mate good luck
  20. heres my secret weapon Maggie, 9 months kelpie x whippet/grey, just over 21"tts. she has been ferreting four timesnow doing really well hasnt caught anything on the gallop yet but will try her on the lamp when she is 12 month. Spot on little dog time will make her a quality rabbit dog.
  21. tepup looks well just keep doing what your doing
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