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Everything posted by stroller

  1. he started himself by the sounds of it a happy accident and its come out well
  2. Sounds like the bull breeding has come out? Its a long process and sometimes it can never be settled where you can ever kennel them together. and working them together will always be out as the jealousy issue will start a riot. split them up and you will need to try the ceasar milan approach its all about pack status dropping both of them into submission poses and working through the issue but defo split them up
  3. Im convinced that with a good breeding program set up by someone who is good at this stuff that a working strain of greyhound can be produced and a good grey will kill anything
  4. Welcome to the forum mate. yes i would agree get the pup on a lead and walk her through livestock until she becomes blase about it all. The retrieve should never be forced and always fun just keep doing what your doing but tie a cord to the dummy and rag it about make it into a real game.Make sure you get her re call and stay spot on thats the commands that may save her life one day and five months is way too young just leave it until next oct/nov before she works live game. let her be a puppy and enjoy her youth time moves on quickly enough, regards Stroller
  5. ilike a lot of obedience in the field and i find it stands me in good stead as im not particularly young or in great physical health at the moment. and of course i do a lot of ferreting which is not the true game of the saluki, but still the big dog we have has learned well enough he doesnt retrieve but re call and stay is good and all he wants in return is a lot of affection and his dinner.
  6. we have a big saluki x and it has taken us 3 years to really understand him, my son has put an awful lot of time in with him and far from being stupid he is a a great hunter using his nose as good as the gun dogs, we are doing some pest control tomorrow i will write it up and put some pics on
  7. This my little bitch 10 month old and has been out 4 times with the ferrets doing really well very pleased with her,kelpie x grew about 21", i will start lamping with her in a couple of months not seriously just to get her working and used to it apologies to everyone who has already seen these photos i must get some more
  8. good to see the old dog still putting in a days work ive been fitting a kitchen fri and sat bloody crippled i think a vodka is in order to kill the pain purely medicinal.... all the best lad K
  9. you and your dad are a credit to the sport.....Well done dad hopefully one day you will be out hunting with your grand kids
  10. thanks mate makes me wish i had been there good stuff
  11. £190 for half a dozen stitches and tablets the vets really do profit out of this insurance lark. still she is fixed now. but only allowed lead walks and she has to be kept quiet.which is were the real trouble will start she is on the go constantly!!! Its a bit of a double whammy as we are off to see some new permission on monday which will be about pest control rather than sport but i wanted the little bitch to come along. So the its just the big lad, saluki x and the rifle, i may even take the ferrets and see how open the warrens are not keen on killing milky does but if it means access
  12. saluki x boston terrier back to a greyhound x pig alert and ready for anything at all times RIP Daisy lass
  13. foxhounds dont seem to feel pain like normal canids ive seen them hanging on wire wagging their tails!!
  14. 2good you would start a fight with yer reflection
  15. Thats the problem though there are some good lads and ladies on here who care about their permission who look after their dogs like their kids and just get on with their sport quietly and conscientiously (I doubt thats spelt right) but its always the terry fuckwits the papers write about and so we are all the same in the public eye we will be getting stoned in the streets by girl guides and little old women branded murderers and kitten killers lower in the social order than a suicide bombing, child pornographer (Or that)
  16. yes i agree mate all of mine are insured it costs more to insure them than it does the house the van and the car
  17. A group of men with runnuing dogs, after illeagal game out of season with no permission in an area which is known to be very twitchy, during daylight hours,all wearing matching trainers and shell suits its just another case of survival of the fittest, they deserve to get caught.
  18. Update on Mags...She didnt get away scott free unfortunately she has an L shaped tear a couple of inches long nothing major but in the last place i looked or expected it to be. Thanks for all of the comments it probably wont be the last tear or cut she gets but maybe she will learn about fences. as for my knee thanks for all the caring comments........
  19. i take up emroidery and start knitting
  20. I Took the dogs out this morning and came to a sheep net fence with two strands of loose barbed wire which hangs just at the top of the sheep wire. the dogs jump this for fun and maggie who has only in the last few weeks started jumping wire usually clears it by a foot easy. anyway this morning i called her back over it towards me and as soon as she took off i new she wouldnt make it, she was too far away from it and she didnt jump it with her usual force. somehow she came down on top of it and her back legs went underneath the two strands of barbed wire and her body over the top so she is
  21. an honourable and very knowledgable dog man

  22. cúagusgiorrai (Sam) said you were a decent dog man, just thought i would introduce myself my names keith 46 years old and based in co durham ferreting is my main game and i run a kelpie x grew and a saluki x grey (My lads dog). i was starting to lose faith in the rubbish that comes on here mate but its nice to know there are decent sorts amongst it.



  23. without training whats the point? it turns out not to be a pleasure for you or the dog.
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