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Everything posted by stroller

  1. I think you have made your mind up already jenksi it sounds like a good selection, ive never had a bull blooded lurcher i prefer colli xs, just be careful and find out about the parents abilitys
  2. Big bob the labradoodle gun dog Maggie kelpie x grew Jet the saluki x grey x saluki x grey x saluki x grey etc etc etc Betty the blonde labradoodle my missus pet but the best bushing dog ive seen for her size and considering she is off show stock while bob was off working lines. total machine which does not impress the wife
  3. This is all young lads from early teens to early 30s, round here they never ever stop the rabbits around me are so lamp shy they wear sunglasses in their burrows.!! My lad and his mates are the same ive been telling him since he was a nipper to leave stuff alone but they are all clowns who know better. there are rabbits around us but they are so continually hunted we never see them during daylight hours, its a bit sad really
  4. first day back at work since my knee op, oh dear freedom was nice for a while!

  5. i hate them bad days phantom ive had a few in the past few years good write up as usual. keep moving forward mate regards Keith
  6. Dogs like people can make mistakes my little bitch has jumped one particular fence must be 50times but she mis judged it once and got herself hung up, and i have a saluki x that can jump six foot no probs and he got torn this morning going over a hedge/fence. you just never know
  7. but watch out for the f*****g barbed wire its a nightmare
  8. it could have the best breeding in the world but you might not work well together, i have a labradoodle bitch which is a fantastic bushing dog but she doesnt work for anyone but herself, the big gundog will break his heart trying to please, and the little kelpie x i have is a one man machine. The big saluki x we have is wooden in the head, lovely dog though
  9. Anyone got one? tried one? any reviews from forum members? any alternative type of rifle that does the job better? Yes i know ive just started and ive just got my prosport but guns are lovely shiny things and this one looks good and if i had the cash i would be tempted. (Im hiding this post from the wife)
  10. Hey lads after your big group hug if theres a meet on anytime i want to be included i know im new but im feeling left out Phantom i will only shake your hand if i know youve washed them first Regards Keith
  11. ive had bull blooded dogs all my life and i love the bull breeds, and to be honest if it where looks i wanted then i would have one today but i dont rate the ones ive seen work,and they have been with people who know dogs. remember bull xs arent new they have always been about, in fact the greyhounds of old often had bull blood added. i like lurchers to have plenty of brains that type suits me even though i dont like collies, my best dogs have always been collie xs. the bull xs ive seen dont seem to have that eagerness to please that makes working a day dog a pleasure. Again its ho
  12. hard to beat a beddy whippet or beddy grew especially if they are bushing
  13. my daughter was on a sled going down a hill when a dog ran after her i dont think it intended to do anything just ran along beside her, my american bulldog daisy bowled it and stood over it just threatening and growling. when the little un got to the bottom of the hill daisy left the dog and ran over to the daughter just being her usual daft self. The other dog was a female american bulldog and they had been playing with each other minutes before hand, Bless her daisy died last year she was pig ugly and boss eyed but amongst my dogs she was the gaffer and i miss her every day.
  14. no they are more trainable than a saluki but only just and they are quite an ungainly beast ive known two and i could never see any potential in either other than selling paint
  15. i think shay should confess it was his nine year old that shot the bird a man of his advanced years couldnt possibly see anything at 36m well done bud
  16. Welcome Kev what dogs have you?
  17. our saluki x is always "talking" they seem to me to be more vocal than other dogs he doesnt do it in the field and i just pet him up at home he settles down ok. i know how you feel though i put up with my first wifes whining for 15 years
  18. i find the airgun section almost like a private club there are some very helpful lads on here and the depth of their technical knowledge and the other weird stuff (Phantom you know who you are )is spot on for the likes of me and the younger lads coming through (Are there any lady shooters?). Thanks for your comments Marksman its a bit of a gee up me. i just dont want any quarry to suffer, i must have been hunting rabbits for over 30 years,and ive always tried to cause as little distress as possible to the bunnys. regards Keith
  19. Thanks gentlemen problem will be rectified
  20. Phantom i work as a teacher of young men who have lets say not followed societys rules, and i can tell you one thing for sure that civilisation is an extremely thin veneer. its a very scary thought to know that we have feral young adults prowling our streets,
  21. it cost me £190 a month ago, b*****d stuff, seemingly it is used to stop cattle and horses leaning over to eat grass on the other side of the fence which in turn breaks down the fence. however one of my bits is a hill farm with sheep on and they dont use it even though sheep jump like antelope, its a lot easier to get over as well with testicles intact
  22. using fx 16 grain, i think buster is correct i dont think im hitting the kill zone more down to my own ignorance but i wont have that performance again its either a kill shot or nowt. ive shot hundreds of rabbits with shotguns and never had this performance. its just a very accurate skill air gunning and this has been the learning curve
  23. Phantom ive read your posts mate they are hugely entertaining but you have a penchant for the bizarre, polar bears livers!!! whats a brancher??
  24. not strictly acd but this mags my kelpie x grew these were taken a couple of months ago she is 11 months now and coming on a treat very hyper and full on little dog i wouldnt reccomend this hybrid as a first lurcher she has been harder work than past collie xs ive had, ive even started agility training to keep the little swine occupied. very headstrong but huge work drive and not brilliant with strangers dogs or people, gets there eventually but ive really had to work to socialise her
  25. went out yesterday and shot two young rabbits, both in the head one behind the head and one through the eye. Both bunnies were sat at the entrance of different sets, both did the dance of death in fact one continued to break dance out of sight and arm reach i couldnt get to it fast enough as im a bit crippled at the moment with a knee that wont bend is this normal for head shot rabbits, the eye shot rabbit appeared to be still alive and its brains were hanging out has anyone had this experience i was using a prosport and its well powerful and very accurate even if it weighs more
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