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Everything posted by stroller

  1. its not quite as simple as that romany, many dogs have no inclination to retrieve. it has to be a game from very small, i play with the pup at 8 weeks old at retrieving, it conditions the dog to retrieve instinctually. i usually sit by the pups bed and throw a sock around the pup always heads for its bed and so doing the retrieving training has begun. Bird your dog knows the difference between a diseased rabbit and a healthy one he just didnt see the point in a retrieve. after the amount of rabbits he has caught and retrieved do you seriously believe he doesnt? Dogs arent machines they
  2. The way lurchers get swapped about half the people on here have already had the dogs of everyone else!!
  3. took Maggie along to obedience classes where the trainer asked if she was a new zealand huntaway, which was a new breed to me so i had to google it. untitled.bmp click on this to open it huntaway maggie i suppose there is a bit of a likeness they are both canine and mags is half kelpie. and years ago i took my new american bulldog pup to the vets who thought it was a pit bull and wouldnt give the dog her injections. we had strong words and the nurse who i knew well corrected him. he had never heard of the breed the pompous twat
  4. ive been on this site since last year and this and other topics keep appearing. i think we are all getting very bored. roll on the new season
  5. f****n hell a lurcher man that actually cares about his dog and doesnt treat it like a tool!! Good luck to you brother and i know the dog will be fine, how do i know that? because your a caring owner and you know its your job to get it sorted. all the best
  6. She is just under 22 but at 15 months she might just get there. Very smart little dog but she keeps finding barbed wire where you think there is none me and her get along fine she did a nice little retrieve of a pheasant poult the other day that another dog had caught and she had stolen. first retrieve of feathered game i was chuffed to bits. i have worked hard with her we are now at a click of the fingers for heel and a squeak of the lips for recall all handy stuff for this up and coming ferreting season. the ears dont stay in one position they have a life of their own
  7. Kelpie x grew, bat eared looney
  8. your dog is a beaut, that would be an excellent cross with my little kelpie half x, just dreaming as she is a long way away from motherhood she is just 15 months and just being entered i only do rabbits and usually only ferreting or shooting so i need a more cerebral dog than most lurchers.

    once again lovely dog



  9. Smart pup bonny lad i hope she does you proud.keep up the training and working her steadily dont expect too much of her and you will have a good pal for many years a dog is for life not just the new x box 3000090 comes out
  10. Thats some bitch you have there lassie, it looks like a dog its carrying some muscle. it looks almost double muscled!! i would like to see that beast working
  11. This is my little half cross, very difficult to keep the weight on her as she is a nutter flying about constantly fit as fire. It will be interesting to compare these pictures to what she will look like in another year as she is about 15 month now so should muscle up. (The stitches are healed now)
  12. I hate kids bunch of moaning whinging twats, always wanting something...f**k em if they cant get out of the pram themselves to get it, its not my fault I have a 19 year old who has been brought up around it almost all his life. he knocks around with lads who have different views on this game to me, and i tell them what i think but at the end of the day its their own personal choice they are men now. experience will prove me right i know that they just have to find out for themselves. interesting to note that due to a recent crack down on lampers in the north yorkshire area the level
  13. picked my two up on sat. very healthy young uns well handled and well fed. This man and his missus are great fun and well into the hunting life snap em up lads Thanks again
  14. jackboy it wouldnt matter if mine was a chihuaua and his dog was a track greyhound if we are out together we give each other a lot of stick. even setting nets is a competition!! it adds to the fun and piss taking, and has led to some memorable days
  15. Thanks Artic mate, the big dog is my lads and he has brought him on very well the little one is mine and there will be a fair bit of rivalry going on this season.
  16. 1st of August mate at the Dog inn at Heighngton on the road to shildon from darlo. 1pm start

  17. heres some more of the pup the missus has just took she is 14 months old now the earlier ones she was about 10 months. notice the back leg from a recent encounter with barbed wire, vet stitched for almost £300 deep joy
  18. i would probably agree with you duckwing most lurchers should have the ability to do every thing. but its not my game its a long dog thing. that big dog of my lads is a running machine and im definite if he came across anything bigger than bunnies he would muller whatever that prey species was, im definitely sure about that. ive seen good dogs running the tops in antrim after hares and they were left for dead you need a helicopter to keep up with a strong hill hare. and a dog needs feet of iron to run that terrain. Still im no expert so i will bow to your expertise but i bet that
  19. havent got a video of him catching them but this big lad isnt the best ive had but useful and this little bitch will be mustard this year on the bunnies i hope we are all friends now i dont wanna split hares over a thread
  20. never set out to course a hare in my life never will despite the ban they are big horrible smelly things and take a lot of carrying(And ive carried on hare shooting drives), hare dogs no good to me i need a dog that can work with ferrets and catch rabbits, i dont get the idea behind kick ups like that, a good whippet would have mangled that hare on the first turn. and as for running them on flat fen or plough whats the big deal would the dog be the same coursing a hill hare over peat and bog where he loses sight and he has to use his nose a little bit? a lot of people see hare co
  21. big dog or small hares?? im not saying it took awhile to run the hare to death but the trees were bare in one shot in the next a combine harvester was cutting the wheat still dont like the saluki style but i will give the dog its due it stuck at, it retrieved and looked good with its hair blowing in the wind. but if that bloke had stamped instead of kicking the hare up he would have saved the dog the trouble
  22. seemingly its at 1pm and its at leeholme next to coundon next to bishop auckland. im just popping down now
  23. kid its illegal to hunt hare fox and deer with dogs, so dont say you do it on an open forum. There will be most definately police antis and rspca people on this site either as a guest or pretending to be one of us. if they think your in anyway breaking the law especially at the moment in Scotland you could lose your dog and face criminal charges. all of that said welcome to the site, dont get drawn into arguments and you could learn something
  24. anyone going and know what time it starts?
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