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Everything posted by stroller

  1. Cooper Maggie is primarily for ferreting i cant be bothered wandering around the wilderness in the dark now and again its ok but them days are gone for me, The lad will probably take her out occasionally
  2. Thanks again for the comments, the back is feeling it this morning though
  3. It was an excellent day, me and the lad have had our differences in the past but hunting has always been our mainstay and my love of the life has been passed down to him and i hope one day his kids might do the same and i suppose thats how it goes. chuffed to bits with the dogs they were spot on, maggie is going to be a classic ferreting dog in another year or two she will be indespensible. thanks for the comments lads i love writing this stuff up
  4. sky cat is talking sense, i would listen to that advice
  5. WARNING...this is a long write up with pictures at the bottom for those who cant be arsed to read Before i begin can i just say that today was all about pest control for the landowner i wouldnt normally ferret at this time of the year. The oppurtunity arose where i have just got access to land that is normally very jealously gaurded by the the landed gentleman and his keepers. i was given access to help eradicate rabbits from a future forestry planting and hopefully it will lead to greater things. I had to borrow two ferrets from an absolute top bloke as my jill has a late litter and th
  6. in my world mate i want the dog to hold the rabbit in the net, you teach yours different obviously. and ive seen the quickest sharpest dog lose a rabbit or fluff a net, they are only dogs after allbut then again its a hobby with me and if i havent got the best dogs in the world then thats fine i wont be passing them from pillar to post, they have a home here till they end their days
  7. and a rabbit that gets out of a net cos im too old and knackered is a wasted bunny, its horses for courses
  8. i expect the dog to hold in the nets i have a bit of bother getting about quick enough so its imperative the dog holds for me but if there is a bolt behind the netted rabbit i would expect her to catch the un netted rabbit. i have a little dog 16 months old just under 23" and she was out a few times at the back end of last season and i found her really useful for those horrible hedge sets which are low thorny and nasty. a dog has to be able to mark a set well nothing worse than putting 20 nets down to discover no rabbits! i think a good ferreting dog develops over time and both of
  9. It is a once in a lifetime chance John. My lad was up beating and picking up with the big dog Bob on the Cotherstone shoot last thursday and the keepers couldnt beleive we had been allowed on. I just want it to go very well and to be honest it could do with more than two blokes and two dogs to do it justice but my hands are tied
  10. Im clearing a 100m stretch today of nettles and i will ferret it tomorrow, this is a clearance job, it borders a small wood that has been cleared and the brash burnt. when i went up to look at the job the whole area looked like scorched earth and still the rabbits where running around. im expecting a bit of digging but i will let you know how we get on
  11. I know what your saying about the thorny stuff ive had times where ive spent more time after ferreting trying to get thorns out of hands and knees than i did ferreting! Alright John, Trev is lending me a couple of ferrets to get the job done bless him. He is a bloody star otherwise i would have had to try and buy or borrow a couple from our lads mates none of whom do a lot of ferreting so it would have been a dubious choice. The kits are doing fine the hob is really getting big now. i also have a nest of young ones im not sure how many as they are in the kennel in the ferret court so i
  12. i had a bullmastiff that ran into me totally on purpose. he was on sit stay at about 50m called him in i didnt move a muscle and the big b*****d ran through me. he meant it beleive me, he was a character
  13. Thanks lads it will be a good start for my little dog as this is her first season
  14. just got the chance today to get access to a landed gentrys land of which there are thousands of acres and thousands of rabbits, The catch is to clear a couple of hundred rabbits from an area that will be planted with new trees, i need to do it now however my old jill has a late litter of young still in the nest and my two new additions from Ne hunter are still too young to work properly.i know its early to ferret but it needs doing and if i dont then i will miss out on this unique oppurtunity i cant take anyone on the land as the gentleman and his keepers are extremely strict about wh
  15. Yep just straight back to retrieving training and dont take her out until she gets back in line, dogs that dont retrieve are a pain, if you keep the training up and make it fun she will soon come around remember she is still very immature and a puppy yet. she wont be a full working dog until her 2nd or 3rd season. dont fall into bad habits just for the sake of a few bunnies be consistent and i know you will have a good dog in the future
  16. She has her work cut out with that lot mate, 10 is a lot of feeding and a lot of mess. be really interesting to see how they turn out, bit dissapointed though that none are spotty
  17. i agree with stabba take the dog section out of the for sale board. let the dog dealers and summer hunters find there dogs elsewhere, neither have a conscience, they dont give a f**k about dog, man or property
  18. Come on tell the truth there is a collie x hiding around the side of the van, and most of them dead rabbits is road kill that the bullxs stood over and the collie retrieved
  19. Interesting topic what time period did this occur? and did any writers chronicle the breeding?
  20. two smaller meals a day instead of one big meal and plenty of off lead gallops, i dont think i would ever recover from walking 10 miles a day, She doesnt look thin? what are you feeding her?
  21. Thats a cracking little dog he has a good life summer and winter, good set of knackers on him too exceptional photos as usual
  22. Sounds like this pup will need keeping on top of. it has nothing to do with breeding but dominance. i have 4 dogs all live together easily because they have their place and the four humans in our house are the pack leaders. they do squabble but nothing remotely serious and i always put them flat on the floor so they submit to me. the little kelpie x is 15 months now and the worst offender but thats her age and she is hyper anyway. she will come around im definate about that. remember pack order in dogs can change easily and quickly so keep on top of your problem child
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