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Everything posted by stroller

  1. ive had 3 dogs out of kennels over 30 years two terriers and our lass had a collie only one of the terriers didnt have any mental health issues, the collie poor soul was ruined and she didnt live to an old age due to her aggressive nature. There should only be licensed breeders there is too much back street breeding going on and im afraid the lurcher coupled with the bull terriers are the most disposable breed owned by idiots who want a status symbol and believe a dog is a social status symbol, i know someone who works with prisoners mainly young men and its amazing how many have pit bulls
  2. Went shopping in Asda on monday with the missus good write up mate a lot of lads on here would be horrified at running dogs on ground like that but its a different world over there
  3. your lucky day that could easily have been fatal. she looks well enough i hope it mends soon
  4. Dear price for a little dog but good luck with them mate they are a bonny breed and one of my favourites
  5. be quiet, be patient,stand off the bury and use one ferret at a time. i make sure mine are fed the day before they usually get a rabbit every other day or whatever pheasant, hare,pigeon, have been shot or chickens culled, we occasionally feed cat biscuits but very occasionally. good luck
  6. lovely country side your lucky to get it
  7. I used a 3/4 collie grey as a gundog never failed me and i will use this little kelpie x next year on the moors
  8. they not as hard as everyone says mate just takes alot of time never hit a saluki or yah never be able to train it
  9. You have nothing to answer for there hullhunter it happens all of the time, im against deer hunting with dogs but my lot flushed a deer last year when we were out walking with the missus and coursed it nothing i could do about it but hope the b*****ds didnt catch it!! it was a good field and the dogs were ok just got in each others way fair do. i never ever went out to hunt hare even when it was legal but occasionally my dogs would catch one of the goat eyed smelly buggers.
  10. dogs adapt to what ever climate they brought up in. like us humans
  11. ive had hares the same size as that ive never seen them before
  12. what the hell is that in your hand looks like a baby munkjac lol
  13. Actually Hannah i remember you telling me about your bitch and i had her in mind when i was talking myself into the decision, ive seen the pictures she is a beautiful animal and certainly enjoys her work. Thanks again
  14. Thats rabbits for you i netted a seven holer the last time i was out twenty rabbits came out, 13 of them out of the unseen eighth hole (It was behind a bit of chain link in a hedge i couldnt get to it). i just had to laugh i have a pair of bolt cutters for the next time im back there
  15. I hope you get many more days out together, when my shooting pal died i lost all heart and packed in the guns after many years i dont really miss the sport but i still miss him and im sure you will make the most of the time you have. Good to see the little lad out with you
  16. Now then WR lucky bugger getting out, im a bit stuffed mags is in season and we are expecting more snow by thursday so the weekend might be scuppered however the lad has just got permission to clean out the rabbits from a hotels grounds so we might do that bit dogless. it will probably be the last time we get out together for a bit he is getting a place with his brother and leaving home and taking his big dog with him. Time moves on!!Im a bit sad but also releived that he is making the break
  17. it looks positively tropical to up here
  18. Fresh Earth mate i wasnt offended, i was just laying out my case for getting it done, its been bothering me for a while and writing about sort of lays out the facts doesnt it. i think i will go ahead i will take a vets advice on what collie gray said about it sometimes making it worse but once the season is over i have made up my mind ................probably
  19. i dont agree with running a dog next to a car or van on tar mac you way better of using a a bike and get them to run a fast trot to keep at a certain pase doing this gets yah dog fit as fire but dont start your dogs too young i would recommened 10 month old when to start but just in short distances and build it up slowly and get out as much as you can. if you run the dogs too fast that when they can do damage to there pads !!
  20. Maggies behaviour isnt down to a lack of socialisation she as with all my dogs has been at some sort of obedience/agility class from as soon as they have completed their puppy injections and we go on organised group dog walks at least twice a month with up to 20 other dogs.She gets used to situations but as soon as it is somewhere new she is a nervous wreck again for an hour or two then she is fine. So although she is very good at the agility i wont compete with her during the summer due to the stress she is under. i just keep on trying with her but she snapped at a neighbour the other day
  21. Very bonny dogs ive never met a working cross like this up here its either bull blooded or saluki blooded nothing else about very few collie blooded dogs. i would be interested in hearing your experiences
  22. I have a little bitch kelpie x grew who is turning out to be a little cracking working dog. but she is a timid snappy dog and i dont want to pass on these undesirable traits to future generations, plus we have two stud dogs which means chaos everytime she comes into season. So the sensible thing would be to have her spayed. now ive never had a spayed working bitch will it make any difference to the dog or her abilitys?? Answers please folks
  23. yes and its still illeagal in England so watch what your saying boys
  24. Make a raised bed with sides, use whatever bedding you like i prefer clean shredded paper, concrete the floor in sections leaving out where your drain will go and just fill that gap with hardcore for the minute. i dont know what type of roof you have on it but i would put in a sky light of some description then you can vandal prroof paint the roof and stick up broken glass, razor wire, whatever takes your fancy. As long as the dogs get out regularly they dont need a run put a dog bowl holder onto the wall so it keeps the dishes off the floor and out of the shit.Paint the walls with a good
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