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Everything posted by stroller

  1. Is having a day off sick, with a knee like a football and even the tramadol is struggling to keep the pain down

  2. i go out maybe once or twice most winter weekends with the ferrets and the little dog. probably do a bit more with the gun this year but she works well with that as well. I may go out once or twice with the lamp over the months but i prefer ferreting and working with the gun. i dont know how some of you fit it all in i work during the week, have a family and friends and usually do the odd govy job on the side during the weekend.So my time is limited i would like to do a bit more but even then i wouldnt want to be out five or six times a week i wouldnt get anything else done!!
  3. i feed my lot dry when i forget to take the rabbits out of the freezer usually with an egg over it. They get fresh rabbit this time of the year if the dogs pick the odd one up when we are out on a walk and just lately they have had pigeon duck and pheasant from the dogs working hedgerows. my two young jills will strip a 3/4 grown rabbit in one night and i mean strip it down
  4. Well i always feed mine tinned chappie with sardines and a calcium supplement, until they are about 11 months before i move them on to dry food. My opinion but its easily digested and the dogs get the most out of it without filling the kennel full of shite.
  5. Anyone got one or the other or possibly both for sale. Im in Durham but will travel. Cheers Keith
  6. Big difference in the two types my sons dog is a big greyhound/saluki mix and my little bitch is a kelpie x grew both very good in their own ways. and never let them tell you saluki have no intelligence he is a cracking dog the little one is 2 and this will be a good season if she stays un ripped by bloody barbed wire.
  7. We had a good day i only took the labradoodle who ran the lure for a laugh, he caught it at the end of the run snapped the string and retrieved it. It was better than 2 years ago
  8. i cant read the post for watching tits!!
  9. Kid get stuck in to them dont go half hearted be serious about the job and it could lead to more permission if he sees you doing the job right. As people have said use a locator and take your spade. its not great taking young rabbits this time of the year but look at it as a job that needs done and get it done. Good luck with it
  10. a nasty, bat lugged, horrible dog, but it can catch rabbits for fun
  11. could be litter wastage from a first x. it will make a good ferreting dog or even a lamp dog on rough ground
  12. i shoot rabbits this time of the year but its pest control, its not good shooting milky does or tiny baby rabbits but its got to be done if i want to keep the permission. just cleared a hotel grounds and i will be working on a couple of horse paddocks tonight that have been re sown and are getting hammered. everything i shoot is gutted and put into freezers and will eventually be fed to dogs and ferrets. I am used to it now and i see the damage a dense population of rabbits can do to fine turf and in the case of tonight they are scratting the paddock to bits. A lad i know had excellen
  13. if they are brought up right they are ideal ferreting and lamping little dogs and they are generally more laid back than the collie x but you will get exponents of both types on here it depends what you want from the dog. i love them they take some beating for speed but in the field barbed wire is a b*****d especially to fast game dogs. If you have good open fields then this is the dog for you, good luck
  14. for a first x he has a very good shape i know he is a baby yet and they change shape daily but i reckon he will favour the greyhound
  15. i wouldnt buy one but if i wanted one and its genuine i dont think £30 is out of the ball park, Probably wouldnt put it on here to sell though i dont think they are for the rabbiting man. but then what do i know i paid £5oo for a labradoodle
  16. mine wont use them they shit everywhere but in the tray up the walls over the side and when i put fresh litter in they bulldoze it out of the tray using their heads its funny to see. I took out the trays and i just put shavings back in and clean the corners out every day in this weather
  17. sounds like a bit of confidence problem, ive never experienced such a controlled manner in a pup, all of my dogs are wired to the moon especially my little lurcher.its not a big problem and im sure once she starts working she will come out of her shell
  18. What the fook is all that about!!!!!
  19. As i said to Dotty they are just big mongrels as are our lurchers but i have a lot of time for the type and the two i have can work anywhere and hold there heads up amongst labs, pointers, spaniels and anything else that works with the gun. If you hear of any labradoodle/golden doodle or any of the poodle crosses, dogs or puppies of any age that need re homing either send me a mail or contact the labraddodle trust direct http://www.labradoodletrust.com/contact.html and they will be sorted out. Cheers Keith
  20. Now then Shay, I havent been on here much but got a good number clearing rabbits from a hotel grounds tomorrow morning early doors. the rifle is spot on i flattened a few bunnies today with it. i will put something up tomorrow if it turns out well
  21. try putting her down your trousers Daryl and then video that. it wont answer the question but its got to be better than saturday night TV definately looks hormonal to me she is very fixated, she isnt being vicious or aggressive as she would have had your fingers off and been moving quickly
  22. is there such a thing as a true wild polecat? Ive read that they have interbred with escaped ferrets so much in this country that they can no longer be classed as pure? im not an expert by any means and if anyone knows better i will listen and if thats the case then its only a very wild ferret who will eat your fingers and add nothing to a working line, but thats my opinion if you go ahead with your experiment it would be good to see how it turns out, keep us updated
  23. my kelpie x was almost 2 before her first. it could be a hormonal problem weight gain can be a sign of that. i would just like to add my own weight gain is because of kebabs usually if a bitch has low body weight her body wont allow her to go into season and this couyld be true of my own dog as she is on the go constantly a trip to the vet and expensive tests could be a solution
  24. i have to take rabbits out of season and its not a pleasent job and if i can put it off for as long as possible then i will but the landowner will quickly get someone else if i dont do it. As for pheasent i personally wouldnt take them as i think they are a pleasure to have around but a lot of grouse keepers cant stand them on the moor. The mistake the lad made was bragging about it
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