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Everything posted by stroller

  1. probably about 8 hours before she goes out working sometimes 12, i only ferret with my dog so she isnt as hard run as a lamping dog but i need her alert and full of energy so any longer than that and i think the dog wouldnt be as effective
  2. depends on your budget but a bettinsoli over and under is a nice gun, 12g for rough shooting unless you need a lighter gun then a 20g is useful. 410 is fine for bolting rabbits but they dont have the range i shoot using a baikal its the cheaper rough end of the market but i need a gun i can use in the field for ferreting rabbits and rough shooting and if it was a more expensive gun i wouldnt be happy as it gets left on wet grass knocked on gates and fences etc your pocket is your banker as far as guns are concerned
  3. about 8 months old as soon as they start to mature a bit and i would have all of the usual obedience in place first. i put threads on here and the lurcher bit when my bitch maggie first started going out and her experiences have a look at them. All dogs are different you know your dog and will make the right judgements
  4. its got to be worth doing how much does it cost heard of £60 but just wonder if it varies
  5. Ive never had a vasectomised hob but have heard the tubes sometimes re attach, i need to resolve the breeding issue as i dont want a shed full of kits this year. I wouls appreciate your comments ladies and gents. Regards Keith
  6. wet is the big enemy keep their bedding dry i change mine every week this time of year as mine have access to an outside run and their big hutch is fairly open, but i have four who sleep together and at the minute they look like bears so they dont seem to get chilled at all
  7. i work in a prison and have ferreted the grounds about 5 years back to rid the place of rabbits that had gotten in when a new section was being built. in the end we were just pulling them out of one hole sets. caught over 100 in one winter season. The lad who iworked with would just let them go outside the jail. They caused horrendous damage to the grounds inside the jail but we did get them all in the end. outside the jail they breed like hell during the summer then every year myxi gets them Ive also wondered about ferreting the top of a quarry on one of my permissions but its a 150 foot
  8. i usually keep the rabbit skin off them until they are about 10 months old and retrieving every other different type of dummy. ive found sometimes that the pups forsake every type of dummy once they have had fur. Im no expert but be careful
  9. why not i have seen a staffy bushing and a collie catching, staffys if brought up right will work like a terrier bushing and its just a step further to get him to retrieve, if your just after a dog to have a walk out with then get the pup working he will have a much more fulfilled life. If you fancy a spaniel or other gun breed go fo it but i would utilise your pup just for the hell of it.......Then what do i know i work a labradoodle!!
  10. a few pictures helps the story along mate well done handy dog as well
  11. max we doing well up here my permissions are full of rabbits we even have a lot of rabbits around the little place i live in even though my dogs regularly take them bushing on our walks. In fact i saw a few little ones running about yesterday in my neighbours garden
  12. jet is ok John a bit stiff but nothing worse he is a big wuss and looks for any bit of attention if he can get it. Took Maggie out again earlier on to ferret a neighbours brash pile, ferret killed in and i thought one was all that was in it so lifted the nets only to find maggie in amongst the branches like a terrier tail going like mad then out bolts a little half grown rabbit she couldnt get on it quick enough being buried in brash but i was impressed with her nose and how she faced the cover. To be honest skycat im not in it for numbers i know a lot of lads dont think they have had
  13. Myself and my son had planned to go up to Scotland this weekend for a weekends ferreting but the area around loch ken is pretty much flooded out so an alternative was sought. A pal at work has a field over near appleby with "Loads of rabbits on it" So of we set this morning with maggie and jet and the three ferrets. The weather gradually grew worse as we neared our destination and even though we had hope in our hearts when we got to the field half of it was under water and there was only two warrens a 20 + holer and a little 10 holer! Anyway we were out for the crack so we got on with
  14. ive worked all shapes and sizes and i dont have a preferance. i use a med sized hob a bit of a plodder and not too bright but the bunnys bolt well from him, alternatively i have a tiny jill who literally gallops around the sets often running overland and diving back down holes like a stoat and she bolts the rabbits well. but like everyone i have a favourite and she is a largish jill that is totally focused on the job
  15. excellent mate ive learnt something new there
  16. good advice tug violence never solves anything keeping your head and following the law is the only way. That said i have a brutal temper and at 16 i was worse than i am now, so you did well keeping the head son.
  17. my dogs work every day. we are lucky enough to live in country with a bit of game on the ground so a simple walk is a hunt and we have a dog day care business so my dogs are out nearly all day with various dogs, which involves a lot of running about over various terrain. i beleive you can condition a dog as much as you like during the summer but it isnt really fit until its working at least 3 days a week
  18. as long as the nest box is dry a bit damp in the cage bottom wont hurt them. mine are outside in an open fronted 3 tiered cage with 3 nest boxes they are in a sheltered position but they seem to thrive on it they just go like little polar bears in the winter
  19. i took my lad out for his first shot at bolting rabbits the other week, its great sport he loved it
  20. i do a bit around that way there are plenty about, good sport
  21. like all dogs get the basics in first and be prepared to wait anywhere between two and ten years before they calm down!.....joking apart they are in my opinion a dog for the hill rather than the wood but ive worked both terrains with them and like everything its the dog and the bond that makes the day. Its great fun training them and that first hunt, point, shot and retrieve i gaurentee you wont forget.
  22. my mate put a gps system on his dog and found out that his dog worked over 37 km on a days rough shooting and where he shoots there isnt much rougher or steeper!
  23. That raises a whole other set of questions whin. ive never bred a lurcher but have always bought pups. In my younger days i would have been over the moon with a ten rabbit night on the lamp but i wanted a dog to work with ferrets and the gun. So the dog ive bought would be collie/kelpie bred. but saying that my lad has a brilliant big saluki greyhound that does it all and i mean all. His secret of success is down to the time and effort the lad has put into the dog. there was a time when he wanted to get rid of his dog because he was listening to idiots but i told him no and he learned a lesson
  24. ferreting dogs are made not born and only lots of work makes them good, yes you will have bad days but when it all goes well its a joy to behold. get the dogs trained and off the lead its a real boon having a good dog
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