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Everything posted by stroller

  1. dont forget to keep fresh water available especially when it is cold as it is today the bottles will freeze, i just swop a fresh bottle morning and night.
  2. f*****g crying shame, i would have all of them if i could. It sends out a message not to breed un wanted litters. i think the akita x looks more like a cattle dog cross it even has speckles
  3. my little kelpie x is spot on but isnt an easy first lurcher as she is highly strung, however if i was to bred her i would consider a useful beddy x grew but i would have to see it work. Idont think you can go wrong with a beddy x pup from working parents
  4. Well written mate and a good day had by all
  5. i had one in the eighties and she was brilliant, loads of fun she would yap so you could tell which way the game was coming out of cover. Snoopy was a b*****d for eating stuff though if it had been a long day and she was hungry it got eaten. loads of fun though very happy days
  6. there is no right and wrong in this argument, we all have our own reasons for being on this site. i choose not to go on the lurcher bit too much now as its full of tetosterone fuelled nonesense and tends to repeat itself. whereas other bits are much better. Try not to take it too seriously i know that can be difficult i had my young lurcher and a young pointer in training out today hunting cover for pheasent, i had to smile when the bloody lurcher put out 2 pheasent against the pointers 0. So much for well laid plans
  7. Great pictures as always and the dogs look fit. just a question mate but have your dogs ever caught those big collars on hedges or fences when out working? i know some people work their dogs with a collar but im always frightened they get caught up whilst at speed
  8. lost 2 last year never lost one in 30 years! and after using a mates locator decided to stump up the cost and get myself one although how its supposed to be worth almost £200 i dont know
  9. my little dog marks in different ways, a strong mark with a few rabbits in is obvious with strong marking at different holes but normally she just waits by the set looking at the holes. She tippy toes around the set this gets on my sons nerves he prefers his big dog to wait at his side but as i keep telling him a ferreting dog needs to figure out a lot of the hows and wherefores of the sport for themselves and she often hits rabbits just as they bolt she also has a healthy number of rabbits under her belt from pulling them from holes as they run about the set. She is a useful little dog B
  10. I have been in my workshop all day listening to the journalists having a field day that there were guns involved. There have been several such family group killing tradgedys last year and this is the only one were guns have been involved. Its great to get the public really scared and distracted it makes them easier to govern The way society is being led by these f*****g politicians and bankers no wonder people are losing their minds
  11. i avoid sheep fields like the plague, up on the moor its different the sheep can go where they want but the silly buggers can get frightened in afield and charge into hedges etc which the farmer doesnt like to see. my dogs are all safe with stock apart from next doors chucks but thats a different story. My little lurcher was bushing in amongst some gorse and bolted 2 ewes she was growling a bit but sharp came off them, they had escaped into the rough bit i was working from the field next door. i never ever 100% trust a dog around stock or kids. they always need watching. All that said
  12. i love ferreting the dunes its were i started when i was a kid, good photos
  13. Tomo couple of questions. who is the poor bloke who guts them and do you have to airlift that many rabbits to the game dealers????? Dogs that catch and retrieve that many rabbits consistently are few and far between. im not in the numbers game cos im not game enough but i have a lot of respect for you lads who are, All the best for the new year
  14. She is a nervous little dog and im on gaurd with her most of the time but it was still dark and i didnt see the woman until it was too late, totally my fault. she is fine with all dogs and people once she has met them but ive had a couple of telling offs from the odd occasion when ive been sure there was no one about and been totally wrong i wish i could get it out of her
  15. Went out with a lad i met through another chap that i met through being on here. Hope that makes sense? Anyway my on off ferreting partnership with my 21 year old son is off at the moment so i invited John out to do a bit on watership down. It was a pleasure to work with a lad who is steady and game for the horrible sets as well as the easy ones. John brought down his lovely meg a big strapping collie cur , she is a young dog just starting out with a lot to learn but she was in the right place to pick up a few tips. John brought down his new 50m quickset and a couple of young ferrets.
  16. The dam was a greyhound x whippet (grew) and the father was a kelpie. She hasnt ever opened up to date. She isnt perfect by a long way but i only work her as a hobby so i dont have the high standards of some of the people on here she is a pet % of the time
  17. Not a kelpie x greyhound but a kelpie x grew bred as a ferreting dog and that all i use her for apart from a bit of bushing she is about 22" at the shoulder
  18. i have a little albino jill you can have mate free if you want to try again. Its a shame to let the b*****ds win, She is well handled but not worked as i have another 3 that i work. The offer is there and i will drop it down to you no bother
  19. welcome to the forum mate, general signs of fox is the smell they stink plus there will be bones lying about, badgers are cleaner but will leave a rectangular shaped footprint with a long claws and there will bve coarse hair caught on wire or branches around the area. generally badger sets have a fair bit of soil dragged out of the holes so it will leave a lot soil at the entrance. if that makes any sense? if your in doubt dont enter the ferrets, foxes might bolt before a ferret but badgers definately wont. take your time and learn about the wildlife on your nanas farm plenty of good b
  20. bonny dog, whats he like when other dogs are around and the guns go off? At two he is probably still growing up the larger european breeds are notorious for being slow at maturing it will all probably click in one day. He could be picking up signals from his handler who may be himself anxious of this problem
  21. im always wary of the lack of light when im ferreting im half blind as its even the albinos i use will need high viz jackets on a sunny day if my eyesight gets any worse. You got her out and a rabbit as well so job done in the end
  22. if all else fails mate let me know i will come up and give you a hand, ive got a handy dog and nets etc
  23. As usual they dont last long enough, breaks your heart every time, 14 is a grand old age with plenty of memorys packed in to it so thats his legacy to you. All the best mate
  24. chappie tinned dog food, with sardines, calcium powder and with the odd egg added, until the pup is 10 or 11 months. Then i put them on a dry mix chappie complete with occasional raw meal of rabbit or chicken wings which helps to keep their teeth clean. I have reared a few pups on this mixture running dogs and gundogs, they seem to thrive and its easily digested and you dont get a bucket load of poo every day put the best into them at a young age and you set the building blocks for a long working life. Enjoy your puppy
  25. Maybe so but you have less shot and more of a spread over longer ranges even with the magnum cartridges i use a 19g load, so its range is limited even at short ranges you need to be a lot more accurate i use a 410 most wekends for ferreting mainly as its moderated and i work around stables etc and i love the little gun. i have shot pigeon with it but i wouldnt be good enough to shoot woodcock or snipe and anything bigger at range i wouldnt bother just in case the bird was pricked and went on to suffer, i beleive as a rough shoot weapon its use is limited. unless as you mentioned your a very go
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