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Everything posted by joel222

  1. Just picked these Lowa Tibet GTX boots up brand new off ebay for £117. The seller has just listed another pair in size 10.5
  2. My lads dog, 18 months old, not done anything yet, been saving him.
  3. I'm looking for a pair of waterproof boots, don't want to spend a fortune. Been looking at altberg defenders but don't think they water proof. Any recommendations?
  4. Been told not, my mate bred it and the breeding goes back generations. I agree tho it does look like there's a bit of beddy or something in there
  5. He eats loads and yeh he's a saluki whippet greyhound
  6. Milo coming upto 6 months
  7. I'm looking for a budget lamp for rabbits, won't be used too often so not looking to spend a fortune but it's got to do the job. What do people recommend?
  8. Is it OK to feed raw and kibble mixed? I've read a lot that u shouldn't mix it in same meal as digestion rates are different but have also seen a few posts on here that people do it. Im going to feed 50/50 raw/kibble so trying to fi d the best way to do it
  9. It's bred from the 2 dogs in the picture. The dads mother n grandma are on YouTube coursing on the fens, molly and bony, my pups dad is called jake. The line goes back a long way. It will work but probably not to its full potential taking local rabbits, as long as it keeps my lad interested ill be happy n it will have a good life
  10. Thanks, it's 7 weeks, just got it yestetday of my mate who bred them
  11. With my old 3/4 whippet collie in his twilight years and not done anything for a long time my 12 year old son has been plaguing me for a pup to take out so here they are. My lad with his very well bred 3/4 saluki/grey
  12. I'm not sure if this is the right section so if not could a mod please move it. On Wednesday morning around 8am my dad had my dog out walking with his young whippet around fields that he walks everyday in west Auckland, co durham. Whilst talking to a lady that he's never seen before my dog disappeared which was very strange as he's a good obedient dog that's never done this kind of thing before. My dad stayed out looking for him and my wife and myself both came home from work to help with the search which was unsuccessful. My dog knows his way around the area very well so I left the gate a
  13. 24 Earth Dog Running Dog mags for sale, dating from 2002 - 2011. £30. Not on here much so call 07854598406. Pick up only from Bishop Auckland area.
  14. Good used condition, has been used for camping but no longer needed. £100 no offers, 07854598406
  15. Thanks neil I will do that. Raiderboy, I will be using maggots and worms.
  16. After about 15 years without doing any fishing i've decided to give it another go next year so started looking at rods but havn't got a clue what to buy. I plan on fishing local rivers and resevoirs for trout etc, nothing serious. Does it actually matter a great deal on the rod, what is a feeder rod, quiver rod, match rod, commercial rod, there is so many I havn't got a clue.
  17. Thanks for the replies, under no circumstances will this little dog part from me until it dies, i have know doubt that he will coime good, just saying that it's frustrating thats all. Whin, read my original post properly, he is catching rabbits just not spotting them very quick.
  18. After a good first season last year, my young dog has just turned two and we began our second season last week. In three outings in an area where if you see 5 rabbits in a night you are lucky, he caught two. The problem is that its as if he's never been lamped before, not following the beam and therefore not spotting the rabbits soon enough, everything else is good, returns straight back to me after lamps off and retrieves rabbits. Its just frustrating how he's missing catches that should be in the bag because he's not watching the beam. I hope it clicks in soon!
  19. No problem, im pleased she has gone to a good home.
  20. I offered 2 ferrets for free, someone came to collect before you did, so this makes me a muck about? Why didn't you say anything like this on the phone instead of posting shit on a public forum. If you wanted them you should of came and got them staight away, I don't know you and don't owe you any loyalty, 1st come, 1st serve.
  21. where is that mate?near yorkshire? 2 hours north of sheffield
  22. To be honest i should of just stuck with 1 dog, i normally have from the beginning of december to beginning of march off work as im a bricklayer and the weather's usually bad, this year im working for another company that is keeping me going right through the winter so i dont have enough time to put enough effort into the bitch, i had planned on spending 3 or 4 months getting the dog right over the winter but this isnt going to happen. Also, since getting her my other dog has gone backover with obediance, and with him being my priority something needs to be done, id rather have 1 good dog than
  23. Its not the dog in my avatar thats my older dog, the beddy whippet which im selling is below, its coat doesn't look that rough in the pics as they were taken about 6 weeks ago and its getting rougher all the time.
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