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Everything posted by tanit1

  1. not bad.thanks pal. atb tanit1
  2. very nice looking horse mate.like u say world record. what can anybody say.except top notch horse hope it goes well putting him over your mares.
  3. some very nice dogs thier people. allso some winners.bigliks the dog in top pic very nice looker, riohog ive said it before your sire what a stunner.(red).and emeera,you have one beautifull looking dog.all of them, thier all a credit to you all. all fit well looked after dogs. to each and every one of you.
  4. frank or his old man. when was this.franks only been gon wat 3week. im up north(lancs) do me a faver bruv next time u see or speak to any of them. let frank no i could do with seeing him thanks atb tanit 1.
  5. just a thought. his old mans called tony. and his two bros are abraham and snobby.
  6. thanks for the reply pal. are u from down that way.?
  7. my oppinion only.im at home most days. but when needs most and ive got to leave them thier fine. they live outside in a fine shed.(4w+5L+6h).with a 4w+5L+4h)run.with heating and a fan.a fresh bucket of water every day and feed at night. so yes in my oppinion its ok/fine to leav a dog just as long as its left in good conditions.in or outside. as i tel my children its all in ya head. its called commom sence. atb.
  8. is thier any chance u can put it up on here mate so we all can have a look. heres hoping. atb tanit1.
  9. thank you. how ever its spelt its just outside gravesend.
  10. a good friend of myn gone missing again.if any of u good people out thier no of his were abouts or youre in contact with him please ask him to get in touch with me.just tell him tans been looking to see him.alot of the traveling boys from the south will no of him for one reason or another.atb :search: happy hunting. :search: lads.sorry i no i put gravesend. its mepom heronhill.
  11. famiy and friends allways been around dogs of all kinds. my old man never ran any of his dogs wile in season. allways said they under perform and it can do them harm. weather thats true im not sure. anyhow im the same with my dogs i never run them wile thier in season./ever. same again my gradad bless his soul. he was the same. his gundogs he wouldnt let them work wile in season.but he allways had a sire aswell as a dame for the gun.horses for corses. hope this helps. atb tanit 1
  12. looks a good sound dog mate. hope it goes to the write home/to the write person.atb with the sale.
  13. good luck with the sale mate. hope u find a good and honest home.atb
  14. :wallbash:i cant belive thiers nobody out thier that doesnt no of somewer closer then bolton or ferryhill. im nower near any of them to places.comeon people thiers gotto be someone somewer out thier that nose a nearer place for me to buy some greyhound wax coated bedding.im situated near juncton 12 and 13 of the m65.
  15. smoggy lad naw thats funny as. :dance: atb
  16. some fine looking animals thier. a credit to u all.atb.happy hunting. :oops:
  17. thanks mate. i realise naw i was wrong from the begining. i thought i had a warning because of the warn status under my profile pic. i didnt realise that every one had the same.a moderater namely the sounder put me strait on the mater. its like ive said im stile new to the sit. im stile finding my feet with getting around the forums and geting to grips with this pc. all this aint been a wast ov time though. but yes iv been a tit and im the first to admit it.atb happy hunting to all who matter. thanks to every body thats replyed.
  18. :oops: :wankerzo4: fazza tipical loud mouth. :whistling:well atleast u no u was wrong lad. atb mate tanit 1
  19. THANKS.i didnt realise everyone had one.im stile prity new to this sit and to my pc. all im trying to do is soak some knowledge in. atb and thanks
  20. peas. beans. carrots.parsnips.sweed.cabbage.cauliflower.not to many spuds(STARCH).HOPE THIS HELPS. ATB
  21. its in the blood and its here to stay. atb happy hunting to those that matter. all antis
  22. sounder i apologise iv got the wrong person.and again i no now this was wrong sit for this post. i seem to b wrong on afew things all i wanted was to no why i got a warning for my first post.
  23. ide just like to no why i got a warning on my first post. when it clearly states that if u constantly break the rules. constantly. it can and will result in the member being warned. have i read the rules wrong or does constantly mean more than once. ok i should of read the rules in the first place before i made my first post. could a moderater/sounder answer this for me please. thanks atb tanit 1.re warn status on my profile.
  24. nice looking dog thier pal.hope she does the do 4 u.
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