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Everything posted by chrisnick

  1. So they would live togeather with all the jills then
  2. I've got a v'd hob will he live with a castrated hob also in the Same cage there are 5 jills cheers chris
  3. I've fed mine on jw's then tried alpha just started using vitalin and the love it there seems to be a lot less waste but I'll see how it go's
  4. Thanks for replys all my jills live with a v'd hob so there's no problem there just thought it was a bit late but obviously not cheers chris
  5. Can anyone tell me between what months a ferret can be in season the reason been is that one of my jills is is this unusual or the norm cheers
  6. ive got a .22 carbine and get about 90 shots out of the green
  7. ive switch to alpha alot cheaper than j.w and the ferrets seem to like it
  8. Take them to the vets is the best thing to do
  9. My local rescue has a v'd hob if you contact yours they might be able to help good luck mate
  10. I think you've got more chance of asking if someone would take your jills rather than borrowing a v'd hob mate I would take yours to put with mine but I'm in hull which I would think is a bit far to travel Good luck
  11. I left mine 6 weeks and so far all is well
  12. tried that but it hasnt changed
  13. sorry i dont know where else to post this i am trying to change the settings on this forum all the threads seem to be listed at the bottom and i am having to click on each individual thread to view as apposed to clicking on the post and all the threads apear can anyone tell me ho i change this thanks chris
  14. How long before I can put a vasectamised hob in with my hills he has been done five weeks on friday the vets told me two weeks but I thought this was too soon also how long does it take for a jill to have her young (from conception to birth) thanks chris
  15. God this is confusing think I'll leave it thanks for all input tho
  16. Sorry I'm not sure what you mean are there two model mk1's an 8ft and a 15'???
  17. I'm looking at getting a mk1 ferret finder off eBay can anyone tell me why some are 15ft and some are 8ft thanks
  18. they have been in season does this effect there weight???
  19. hi two of my ferrets have lost loads of weight is this normal this time of year the are both sisters and about a 11 months old and they both seem fine still eating well
  20. have you contacted you local ferret rescues and animal rescues???
  21. my vets charge £38 but you will have to keep them separated for about eight weeks cos they can still get the jill pregnant
  22. the rescuer told me she could get it vasected if there was any doubt i would pay to get it done at my vets
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