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Everything posted by chrisnick

  1. thanks but doesnt the bipod get in the way of the front cocking button when the leegs are folded up?
  2. hi wonder if anyone can help me bought my 12 year old lad a bsa ultra mutishot and he wants a bipod fitting to it i have been told you can buy an adaptor that clamps onto the cylinder but i am stuggling to find such an item, also is this the best way to fit a bipod to a ultra becaus of the front cocking system thanks chris
  3. Hi after a few humane rabbit traps can anyone tell me where to buy them at the best price cheers chris
  4. deben ferret finder mk 3 for sale (no collar or packaging) never been used £85 posted pay pal accepted tel chris 07956 464046
  5. seems pointless to me just feed em dry food save all the messing about
  6. ive just bought a brand new mk3 and collar for £30 didnt need it but thought it would be rude not too
  7. Cheers diggermad thanks for that pal Chrisnick
  8. Sorry but I'm totally cunfused by the last post if my question is in clear let me know
  9. Hi I've got a mk3 magnetic version with the magnetic collars and have chance of a mk3 collar (none magnetic version) will this work with my mk3 magnetic receiver Cheers chris
  10. All eight of mine have been ill with flu/cold some worse than others the vet said just to make sure they have plenty of warm bedding plenty of food and water i have also been giving them warm soya milk everyday and touch wood they seem to be alot better so fingers crossed they'll be ok
  11. Thanks for that is soya milk ok
  12. Can ferrets drink milk???
  13. Bought mine off eBay they're bright red and there spot on
  14. Plastic will sweat like feck I'd stick to good old wood just make sure you give it a coat of varnish or weather protector
  15. i had the same problem so i just added extra holes and also in between the existing holes never had a problem since also a harness would get caught on the nets even more than the collars do.
  16. nice one mate good bag whats the dog your using???
  17. i got these as decribed fast delivery http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/10-Mk3M-Batteries-Ferret-Finder-Collar-/250715328055?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item3a5fcc4e37
  18. I always feed mine the night before as normal never had any problems
  19. thanks pal could it be that they could be ok for now and once they come into season they start to fight or if they get on from day one they always will get onsorry for all the questions just dont want any dead or injured ferrets
  20. Yes it would live with the other hob or yes it would fight???
  21. Got 5 jills and a hob that has been vacectomised if I got another vasectomized hob would it live with the other hob and jills without any problems or would the hobs fight Thanks Chris
  22. i just use the box mate no need for the key
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