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Everything posted by chrisnick

  1. Just thought I would let you all know it has now turned up thanks
  2. As above a sandy Jill she got out of her cage 29.1.13 If found please ring 07956 464046 thanks very much Chris
  3. ferret found in hull tel 07956 464046 thanks chris
  4. That's a cracker mate me and me lad are planning on giving pike fishing a go Know what you mean my step son had this wonderful 32.2llb last month
  5. Done ok around Beverley still plenty to go at atb Chris
  6. Thanks for the help I'll see how she go's maybe somthing that's been suggested she's been a cracker up to recently hopfully it is somthing simple that will sort it's self Cheers chris
  7. Don't think that it as she started acting this way beginning of December
  8. No frights that I know of first time thought she'd killed and was going back to it but she seems to be doing it every time o put her down
  9. Hi one of my best jills that's about 4 years old who has always been a cracking worker has recently started running back down holes when trying to retrieve her or refuses to come out never had this problem in all the time I have had her ( from kit) does anyone know what the problem is or come across this before Many thanks chris
  10. Thanks I was told that I should only use rayovac
  11. Hi can anyone just confirm what batteries I need for mk3m collars also for the standard grey collar (the none magnetic one) also does it matter what make they are Cheers Chris
  12. I've got one of these and it's spot on had it about 4 years now great for holes to about 4ft. Very handy and nice and light good bit of kit when out ferreting.
  13. No problem hope he is ok let us know how he gets on atb Chris
  14. They said there's nothing to give the just keep em warm and I gave her plenty of old cloths for beddingand warm soy milk every night and that seemed to do the trick but the can die from it according to my vet atb Chris
  15. I've had the same with one of my ferrets she was in a right state sniffling sneezing took it to the vets and was told that it was cold / flu which can be passed from humans so if you have cold/flu best to keep away
  16. Took my little girl ferreting just for a couple of hours and it was her first time only got a couple but she loved it as you can probably see by the smile on her face, she has already been asking when we will be going next cheers chris http://i331.photobucket.com/albums/l471/chrisnick333/635.jpg
  17. try the rescues mate they might have been handed in
  18. went out last sunday for the first time this season and there were quite a few young un's about
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