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Everything posted by hyperion

  1. been mooching about all over the place the last few days and found all sorts of stuff found this fella in the new forest today too a bucket of plums and does any one know if these are hops??? cheers Hyperion
  2. i made some nettle beer last year but it tasted like cat p*ss!, been making blackberry and chilli vodka this year and my mates got some damson gin and damson and elderberry gin on the go
  3. aye, will make a nice waistcoat Mal! ha ha
  4. beddy/whip x grey X collie grey ifn i remember right
  5. i just sort of stood there and took pic after pic! lol cheers Hyperion
  6. It's been a fair old while since i was last on here due to various reasons but the boy is doing good, growing more into himself as he gets closer to two years old and settling down a bit now as well, no more howling the house down when i go out, and we've been working on our trust issues all summer as well, he's never going to be perfect and any faults are of my making but we are doing alright I reckon and much happier with each other! any how a few pics
  7. loads of ways to cook em use like beef (if you shoot enough) in stews or pies, spatchcock them, pluck and draw the bird then use game shears to cut down either side of the spine and flatten the bird out then fry or grill personal favorite at the mo is take the breast meat off and just roll it in some crushed black pepper corns with a little salt then shallow fry with some onions and mushrooms for about a minute (or less) a side, then take then pigeon out leaving the onions and shrooms in the pan and pour in a good glug of red wine or port or brandy or all three if its christmas let it
  8. just leave the wood alone for a week or so and they will soon be back, maybe spill a bit of grain about the place to encourage them a bit you dont need camo to shoot pigeons or any thing else really just drab clothes and sit still, leave your gun at home and just go sit in the wood and watch, tuck your self into the bottom of a tree and spend a few hours at different times of the day over a few days looking to see where the birds fly into the wood, which trees they land in and which ones they use as they move further into the wood and which they use as sitty trees, look for droppings and f
  9. made a start on some net needles for a friend today! cheers for looking hyperion
  10. Every time you see him Kay scream at the top of your lungs as loud as you can like a kid having a tantrum, follow him round and keep screaming at him till he freaks out and buggers off! cheers hyperion
  11. im still alive! been knocking about, mooching around, having the odd beer runing about standing still and making a few mice then having a rest cheers Hyperion
  12. well if i went just by the value of chewed shoes about £89.50! cheers Hyperion
  13. hyperion


  14. and by then i should be over all this shit and be able to laugh at you hannah! x And then i will be the one using the spoon in an inappropriate manner! bring it on bitch! lmao! ill set me dog on ya! Er i think the flaw in your plan peter would be . . . . . the only person your dog attacks is you!!!!! hey he just got a little confused as to where the rabbit ended and i began is all!
  15. a real christmas number one for once!
  16. and by then i should be over all this shit and be able to laugh at you hannah! x And then i will be the one using the spoon in an inappropriate manner! bring it on bitch! lmao! ill set me dog on ya!
  17. and by then i should be over all this shit and be able to laugh at you hannah! x
  18. Did you use the patches? are they over your eyes:whistling:you will end up like me a fat b-----d, because you will end up eating like a :piggy::snack:because your taste buds will work again, i was thinking of taking up :drink:and becoming a :alcoholic: merry xmas. no im on champix and working my way through the whole list of side effects as well! ive also lost a stone in the last few weeks!
  19. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm which would i rather do? smoke or have a girl friend?? ill stay smoke free thanks!
  21. my dog is the best dog in the world for no other reason than he's my dog! i will never ever sell him on or get rid of him unless he pegs it! cheers hyperion
  22. he is all good john just fat and lazy at the mo! not done any thing with him since october when i had to give up my permission!
  23. taking a while to figure out the new lay out mind!
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