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Everything posted by ianh

  1. mines abig girls blouse about them, hes a big sod of a dog and turns to jelly with them.
  2. great topic, informative, interesting, never seen one like it before ever!
  3. can you upload a sound clip of your squirrel call? id love to hear that
  4. i heard they all migrating to ireland cos the lads there just chase hares and fox!
  5. last year was just as bad after the freeze for us. think im gonna have to get further north for any numbers
  6. top comment, i went out last night, four hours one bunny from about 6 very hard runs close to the hedge (suprised he got any tbh). saw three fox and a few roe, one very tired dog that will eat rabbit today. one tired owner that will have to eat something else. but i wouldnt stop doing it if every night was like that, just good to be out seeing things others dont, barn owl flying about 3 metres in front of van windsceren for around 200 yards, stunning, few big healthy roe dashing across a field, badgers and foxes. just nice to see and be out there. enjoy your hunting and make the best of it! if
  7. whin you are a miserable f****r, if i could catch any amount of rabbs id put some pics up, four hours last night, managed one! lol. better luck next time i hope
  8. mines 2 and he still shakes like a little girl when its going on, just be with them and try and keep them calm but dont react to their stress, it will just confirm that something is wrong and worry them more, stay with them and act normal and reassuring.
  9. salt warm water. always worked for me
  10. why? what happened mate? what dog is it?
  11. thats why its called hunting not catching
  12. no thanks mate..too much stress involved in that package..LOL..thanks for trying though.. i agree mate, wouldnt touch it myself either
  13. gotaa agree never had the filter housing till this season, makes it lots better. still find it lacking occasionally but its robust and good battery life and lamp head is fairly small so fits in big pockets with the battery under your coat on your back so nice and hidden if needed.
  14. alright vin, i do know a lad locally that needs to get rid of his akita, its a big dog, not good with other dogs tho, so have to ensure he is kept seperate. not my idea of a nice dog to have about, but no one would get in with him there for sure.
  15. hour walk before work at 7 hour and hour to two hours at night, at average walking speed thats 7-10 mile a day. but its not religious, you gotta do something other than dogs, family friends etc so sometimes he might only get half hour in evening but we normally make up for it next day. now i live right on edge of clumber i have miles for bike work too so that will be same time but more miles and better fitness. car works great too but i find it hard to find anywhere completely safe apart from my mates neck of the woods where we work them but cant get down there everyday.
  16. What happened to yours? probably threw it out a subura window
  17. can see the bull i reckon, dunno bout collie might just be bull grey, mines only 23 tts 2 year old, does job tho
  18. cant make this shit up, priceless.
  19. jam butties and redbull! proven, much better than barf!
  20. your more worried about the dog making you look a twat then the fact you may of failed on your dog and as a result your going to have to shoot it! imo mate you make yourself look a twat, you dont need a dog to do it!
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