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Everything posted by ianh

  1. yeah i got bullx he's only young still 19month, and the lad who normally comes with me got a collie whippetx saluki whippet (we think) so we got most stuff covered. when we find any!!!
  2. sheffield pal but i do a bit in notts, atb
  3. she's stunning mate, my lad would love a run with her. nice one
  4. id like to think fallow is, maybe one day
  5. my mates just got a pup like this, lovely looking dog, cant wait to see him out back end of next season.
  6. thats the biggest point for me an one thats being missed by most here mate. some dogs i would like to think could do it in the end, but it aint sport, it aint neccessary, and its downright f***ing cruel, not to mention stupid. just hope there arent some young lads on here with big dogs thinking 'i bet ours can'. could all end in tears well said mate Well in that case, lets not hunt at all. Lets all turn veggy. Because hunting involves cruelty (depending on your definition). Is it cruel when wolves make a kill on a large stag? This is no different! It isnt neccessary to hunt rabbits
  7. the best pic i could get but its almost the whole nail gone(nail was white like one next to it), its a scab underneath with just a tiny bit of nail under the start of the hair on his toe, he yelps whenver i touch it too much, its nice and dry though no sign of infection.
  8. thats the biggest point for me an one thats being missed by most here mate. some dogs i would like to think could do it in the end, but it aint sport, it aint neccessary, and its downright f***ing cruel, not to mention stupid. just hope there arent some young lads on here with big dogs thinking 'i bet ours can'. could all end in tears
  9. heres two pics, got my grilfriend to do it, you can see on the right hand side of the damaged one its got a little bit of claw still left on and the toe is fairly damaged, not sure whether to remove the damaged claw or not? anyone?
  10. yeah tell me about it, they love my dog (he's a big soft git) but he's a bullx and theyre always asking how he got this scar etc? nosey c***s. cheers mate
  11. thats what i reckon mate, people think theyre kids and wrap them up too much, just wouldnt want to risk any lasting damage or excessive pain for the dog and would get him to vts as soon as if it looks/gets worse. thanks everyone
  12. yeah was gonna take him tomorrow but it doesnt seem to be bothering him, and to be honest could do without the bill (before i get loads of shit i aint afraid to spend on the dog he's worth it) and they dont much like working dogs it seems, always ask lots of questions.
  13. TAKE A PIC FROM A MOB PHONE AND BLUETOOTH IT TO YOUR COMPUTER IF YOU HAVE BOTH sorry mate dont have the technology or want it or know how to use it, ill ask the missus later thanks for all the replys, have been bathing it in salt water, am at work now so dont know how he is till later but he wasnt bothering with it much this morning. just watch the amount of salt water u use as if over used to much it will start to soften the skin and thats the last thing u want a running dog withsoft paws yeah i will just do it couple time s a day, his season is over now anyway so
  14. TAKE A PIC FROM A MOB PHONE AND BLUETOOTH IT TO YOUR COMPUTER IF YOU HAVE BOTH sorry mate dont have the technology or want it or know how to use it, ill ask the missus later thanks for all the replys, have been bathing it in salt water, am at work now so dont know how he is till later but he wasnt bothering with it much this morning.
  15. ill try borrow a camera later mate
  16. aint got a camera mate, it seems to off ripped the most part off it, just a slither left really and damaged the toe underneath. he doesnt seem in much pain though
  17. my dog came back from a run last night limping, he has smashed his back right claw pretty bad, most seems missing just a bit on one side left. I have bathed and cleaned it. should the remaining nail be removed? if so will it grow back and will this affect him for next season? any help appreciated
  18. might be interested mate, get some pics up
  19. ianh


    we're lucky to see two or three, not so lucky for them
  20. just bought one hope there decent. got a cree led headtorch with the same led in it, it is bright and it does light up eyes at a fair distance but its the wrong colour, its harder to pick stuff out with it at range and i much prefer my clulite, the cree is good for small fields but following something while the dog chases it and you cant see the eyes is hard. just my experience, better with a lamp, i just use mine where i cant go walking about with a lamp great for poaching
  21. good to hear you had a decent season in the end mate, mine wasnt too bad either after all. pupsstill learning and aint even a pot filler just yet but im chuffed with him, i just need to know more poeple and get out there more, maybe meet up and have amooch sometime if your up for it mate. atb
  22. that cocker looks a real good type mate, good work
  23. yeah great idea! any other good advice mate???
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