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Everything posted by bobhunter

  1. 2 beonest fair anoth there are proberly good dogs out there proberly beter than golly that dont get talkd about but golly does get talkd ABOUT and what ive sin there not talking shit about the dog so you gota give credit where its jue and he does hes bin tested 2 the limit in the field and now hes got on a bit his offspring are doing the buizznes so you cant say nothink wrong about that dog thats just my view on the matter.
  2. by the sounds of it mate i would be lucky 2 get 1 but a man can want i sapose.
  3. the thing is if golly so game as they say he is when they youse him on greyhound you got a good chance of the ganenes passing on id like 1 my self.
  4. is it mate they still cum out prety heavy lumps dont they
  5. has anybody got any pics of golly off spring when he was put 2 a pure greyhound.
  6. shes a nice bitch mate are these golly dogs any good on deer pre ban of course.
  7. ye you could b wright mate its like that other dog arthur isnt on this planet nobody seems 2 no him.
  8. i can remember jake he was allways hard 2 keep fit even tho he was lamping quite often didnt no if you had that trouble with him.
  9. what do ya mean his head went did he do anythink wrong.
  10. believe or not mate i went out with jake hundreds of times he was nuts hoes he geting on now.
  11. my mate had a dog out of golly the dog was called jake he sold it 2 a chap in plymouth and im shore he sold it 2 turk i could be wrong but im shore he did.
  12. f*****g hale he chucks sum good stuff dont he id like a pup out of golly 2 a pure greyhound.
  13. nice bitch mate what did she do run in 2 a brick wall .
  14. has anybody got any pitures of golly or his off spring or arthur or of his pups cheers lads.
  15. i dont no mate my bicth is mad any thing that moves beter watch out ive got a 58 38 dog aswel he wil do anything but deer but i got him at 9 months old off a chap who lived on a farm and got him stock broken dont no if thats any thing 2 do with it i no a few lads that properly woudnt keep him but hes realy good on every thing eles so il keep him .
  16. im in london mate i dont no if this is true but i heard that some where in this line there is suluki blood have you heard that befor.
  17. ye she is 2 in january ive had charlies with her and roe game as f**k not a massive bicth mind about 25tts but very racey.
  18. i have a bullx bitch out the reece line dont no if you have heard of that dog.
  19. ye its got 2 b a good age but 2 b onest dont see a lot of his pups on here like ya do golly do ya
  20. im glad you said that mate cus i got a bullx shes 6 months old and about 20 or 21 tts but her mum and dad were both 26tts.
  21. ye some 1 told me its in irland now i could b wrong but thats what i heard but you no how much shit floats around
  22. have you sin this dog work then mate ye i heard it was jasons dog but i heard it got past round a bit .
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