just went out 4 a quick shine with my 5/8 3/8 dog and my half x bullx had 5 rabbits and they retreived a shot hare they run well try and get sum pics up. happy hunting.
i no how ya feel mate i called one in the other day about 15 yards and the dog was that keen 2 geting it he stiked at it and went ass over tit and i just stood there 2 watch run in the cover beter luck next time
i sin a video of some lads corsing and there dogs feet had all yellow stuff on them i was told later it tuffins there feet up can anybody tale me what this stuff is called cheers lads.
got a new half x pup hes 1stx second genaration his sire 26tts dam 27half . tts hes 7 month old on the 10 next month . and he is 23tts but got big feet and rist how tall do ya think he will make.