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Everything posted by bobhunter

  1. ive kept bullx 4 years now woildnt mind a weaton are they so good on the big stuff pre ban as the bullx.
  2. i try and let my dogs go about hundred yards on rabbits but pre ban charlie ive let them go from quite a good distance
  3. ive got a halfx hes second genaration and hes 7months old on the 15th of this month and hes 24tts.
  4. just went out 4 a quick shine with my 5/8 3/8 dog and my half x bullx had 5 rabbits and they retreived a shot hare they run well try and get sum pics up. happy hunting.
  5. wel done lads whatx are the dogs that you were out with.
  6. very nice bitch how tall do ya think she will finish
  7. nice pup mate how tall is he mine is 6months old and hes just over 23tts.
  8. i like him have you bred out of him what was he like on charlie pre ban.
  9. nice dog mate how tall is he .
  10. no i never mate i bought him off here he was 5 months old
  11. just got a new halfx pup second genaration just didnt no if anybody had any pic of this x or a genuine 1st x
  12. has anybody got any pics of there good deer dogs pre ban of course im shore there were some wel knowne dogs that were good at there job happy hunting.
  13. i no how ya feel mate i called one in the other day about 15 yards and the dog was that keen 2 geting it he stiked at it and went ass over tit and i just stood there 2 watch run in the cover beter luck next time
  14. cheers lads is it tuff foot or tuff pad wheres the best place 2 get it.
  15. nobody got any clue what it is called its like yellow die on there feet
  16. She is 23 inch mate....she is a strong bitch. Cheers bud. shes a cracing dog mate how big were the sire and the dam how tall will she make.
  17. f*****g halle mate what a pup that is how tall is she mate.
  18. why you geting rid of it mate correct me if im wrong but i thought you were over the moon with it.
  19. i sin a video of some lads corsing and there dogs feet had all yellow stuff on them i was told later it tuffins there feet up can anybody tale me what this stuff is called cheers lads.
  20. nice dog mate i just got a second x bull grethound dog six months old hes 23tts hope he makes a big dog.
  21. i no cant find the wire no where 2 put pics up.
  22. got a new half x pup hes 1stx second genaration his sire 26tts dam 27half . tts hes 7 month old on the 10 next month . and he is 23tts but got big feet and rist how tall do ya think he will make.
  23. i heard some realy good things about this dog was he lampd very much does anybody no .
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