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Everything posted by hob

  1. I know it's nothing todo with original question but I always work small Jill's as I find working large hobs means your forever re setting nets
  2. thanks for your advice guys think ill give him 2 weeks as surggested.
  3. hi guys im borrowing my mates vescectomized hob to bring my jills out of season can anybody tell me how long i should leave him with them.There are 6 jills all living together in one court?
  4. ive got a yammy kodiak 450 never let me down handles pretty well and has plenty of grunt got 22000 hrs on her clock now .
  5. i think youll find you need to 17 and hold a full driving licence to ride a quad on the road i may be wrong but pretty sure. phone the old bill and check thats your safest bet.
  6. thanks guys be looking forward to working the little fella then!
  7. looked in on one of my jills kits this morning and one of them has only half a tail i presume its been bitten off as theres dry blood on the end.will this effect its. life ?didnt know if ferts used there tails to balance?
  8. hi mate i had the same problem as you couldnt find out the law on what you could and couldnt do on an agri plate.what i eventually found out was it can only be ridden upto 1 1/2 miles from any land you own or farm,keeper etc.if you dont have your own land or farm you may have trouble getting insurance which you will need to take it on the road.when i spoke to my local plod(very nice chap)he said he didnt mind me following the hunt on it and that he would turn a blind eye on the other hand last year down in devon the old bill had a clamp down and were confiscating quads at the road side it they
  9. firstly you need a terrine .line it with strips of streaky bacon so that they hang over the sides.next get some sausage meat add 1 egg then any herbs you fancy(parsley ,thyme,rosemary etc)add a good glug of brandy (optional).next cut your choosen game into strips.fry them in a frying pan to seal them.then all you do is layer the strips of game and sausage meat until the terrine is full.place the terrine in a roasting tray and fill with water until it comes about a 1/4 of the way up the side of the terrine.(sorry forgot to say fold over bacon to cover the top of your layers of sausage meat and
  10. i used the landlord of my local as a counter signiture(checked with old bill first) no problem !!
  11. what is the max range can you shoot a siting rabbit with a 12g and have a clean kill????
  12. yeah had one trappa . how many traps should i have down i only have one and the little fecker is making a right bloody mess so dont mind if i have to buy more traps.Some one told me if you stand real still and watch the hills and when you see some movement you can blast the b*****d with a 12 bore what do you reaccon?????????????
  13. STILL AINT CAUGHT THE FECKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. cheers guys always wondered as i ve never seen any old pics of terrier men
  15. Idont know if he will hold a point until i reach him with a gun as as yet i hav'nt tried.He is a braque saint germain
  16. whats the problem with yours mate?
  17. any one know how the hunt terrier men of times past got around before quads ???? did they ride or just leggit ????????????
  18. got a mole problem in my paddock .whats the best type of trap and any tips
  19. HE IS'NT WHISLE TRAINED ALL COMMANDS ARE VERBAL AND HAND IBELIVE HE IS ABOUT 4YRS. Well if the dog is trained as you said all you need to do now is to go out and try him in the field, try having someone experienced who works dog take him out, and get there opinion on him. will do i was hopping i might gain some more imfo before hand so we didnt end up looking a pair of wasocks!
  21. I have a mate who is a keeper and he has 2 springers which are top class ferrting dogs which will mark +hold rabbits in the net and are also used as gun dogs worth there weight in gold.
  22. can anyone give me any advice on training my pointer.I resuced him and he has had some training as a bird dog in the past or so i am told . He seems quiet well trained in basic stuff :sit stay come but i dont know what commands are used for working pointers any guidance would be helpfull as i have access to shooting and would like to take him along.p.s. he points every thing from rabbits to pheasant and even squirell.
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