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hungry hunter

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Everything posted by hungry hunter

  1. The Hunting Life Worldwide hunting with lurchers and working terriers, ferreting, pigeon shooting, falconry and other fieldsports. www.thehuntinglife.com/ - Cached Thats what comes up when you type the hunting life into google. WORLDWIDE HUNTING. Some morans out there. Clint, take her away from the pup altogether and like the genuine lads said, exercise and epsom salts
  2. I've been to one of RISE's roadshows and they did talk about the situation in the north. I don't know the timescale on bans being implamented in the north but i'm sure that they would offer help. They need people to organise roadshows in local areas. This is how the grassroot hunters will find out the extent of what could happen. This will be primary legislation if it gets through it cant be changed.
  3. I cant see that setting standards high is a problem. If you dont set it high its only a matter of time that failure will trip you up. I havent named anyone and i wouldnt on a public place like this, but yes if i felt someone was talking up a reputation for a dog rather than earning that reputation well then yes i would and have told these people to their face. When i travel to see these dogs i'm having a private interview with the dog to see if he might be the next stud dog. Most of the time i find that their not. I'm not lying to anyone, just putting it into words as i see it. Back to when
  4. Cloud nine? maybe. I'm sure there are some decent lines around p***y. The people i hang around with have had, over the last 15 years, some of the best single handed dogs you could wish to work over. But one fundemental fault that accured at the begining of this ten - fifteen year spate of serious dogs is that the wrong sire got the credit due to a dishonest man. So after the blood of great workers slowly got thinned down to the water we have at the minute, by using the dishonest mans blood (dont get me wrong, his dog was excellent too, but not the Xblood) we ended up with substandard stock. So
  5. I've just read David Harcombes latest book. I found it refreshing as its the first book on terriers and their work that i have bothered to read. The reason i found it refreshing is because I read more or less what i've been thinking/practicing. Its provoked me enough to start a topic on here. As was reading a book on the subject this is a first too. I enjoyed reading about his love of and more so his devotion to the upkeep in quality of the earthdog and even moreso the honest terrier man. I find it very hard to find good dogs but even harder to find honest men. The standard of working terrie
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