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Everything posted by deakin

  1. hi iv put a new topic up with the photos regards mark
  2. yes mate it dose got to have your base level so it kkep the hutch level when makeing it regards mark
  3. hi ferret hutch i made today for my frend
  4. hi ferret hutch i made today for my frend
  5. hi ferret hutch i made today for my frend
  6. hi thanks do you no the ltem number for them and i have a look at them regards mark
  7. i put that on to keep the water out untill i tuck it down cos if i put the flet on i would have to have cut it to take it down and it be a wates of felt mate regards mark
  8. hi thanks for the replys and yer make them my self start with a heep of wood and 2 day later end up looking like that regards mark
  9. the gap at the bottom is cos the base it sat on int level and you need to have a level base to make it mate that why it sat on block regards mark
  10. hio mate you be looking around £500 for that mate it 12x6 regards mark
  11. making one you slef your would save your shen about 150 if you got all tools you be fine mate
  12. nice job mate look well that mate
  13. hi thank for the replys the pen olny tuck me 2 days to build i was f**k at the end of it regards mark
  14. made this one for a good frend for is kids
  15. hi this the dog pen i made for tom for the terriers
  16. i all so made this for her play house
  17. hi thanks for the replys and she love it loads cant get her out it bless her
  18. hi all just made this play house for my littie girle
  19. im glad your happey with it mate thanks again mate
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