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Everything posted by EastTyrone

  1. my dog needs to lose a bit of weight and as I am not around during the week what is the best food to feed him to help with weight loss?
  2. my dog needs to lose a bit of weight and as I am not around during the week what is the best food to feed him to help with weight loss?
  3. i know that lol, but i was just looking for some general tips, like to send me in the right direction
  4. ok guys, i have a lot of permission around my house that is meant to be full of woodcock, there is alot of whin bushes and some conifer pplantings, where is the best place to find woodcock for rough shooting?
  5. i cannot seem to get my dog to qaurter for the life of me, he keeps hunting in straight lines and when i have him going from side to side all he does is come back into my feet and back out again instead of hunting straight lines how can i fix that?
  6. thanks peter that has bbeen very thankful will give it a go today
  7. and would use try calling or would a couple of decoys be good enough to get them in? thanks for all the advice lads much appreciated and btw King Puck use will be comming down with the white and red on saturday
  8. hahaha thats true how many decoys would you use for that?
  9. i can be doing a bit of both but i baught a couple of decoys and woould not mind doing abit of shotgun action what would be the best way to set up the decoys?
  10. sorry if this is in the wrong place but how can i go about decoying crows and magpies? on fresh cut sillage ground and ordinary fields
  11. my girlfriend is in the process of training a lab pup, all is going well in the garden, sitting on command etc, but as soon as anyone comes to look at the dog, he goes hyper and is totally distracted and does not listen to her at all, has anyone any tips to combat this?
  12. my dog recently has become unsettled and continually barks wile in his pen, he will also start barking around 4/5 am in the morning from his kennell, how could i combat this as it is beginning to be an annoyance
  13. considering keeping around 10 sows and a boar to rear piglets in a small holding, anyone do this? any tips? is it economcially viable with the price of meal? the pigs will be free range btw
  14. ive an ess pup who is an extremely good hunter but isnt that keen of a retriever, when i'm out training him he'l do everything for me drop to shot, qaurter ground drop to whistle all that craic, just his retrieving wouldnt be the best, after a retrieve or 2 hes showing no interest, but im OK with that as i will be using him for rough shooting so the hunting aspect is more important for me. How do i get him into memory retrieves and onto blind retrieves if i can only get 1 or 2 retrieves from him.
  15. my ess gets dry mea in the morning and the scraps of the dinenr in the evening, this can be anything from spuds to chicken to steak and pork, he loves it and it means that food i not goin got waste
  16. if you were to make box out of wood what would be the best material to use? and what size would you need for two springers?
  17. the springer has more stamina compared to a cocker who will tire easier
  18. it is tradition in my part of the country and across ireland to go out on a sunday morning with the gun
  19. none yet but rise 5 snipe yesterday so they'l not be long with us in the mountains
  20. was traveling through local forest last week and noticed alot of activity going through the forest, flashing lights and hazard lights on vehicles. We stopped for a wile and noticed a few vehicles pulling into the forest car park from the middle of the forest roads with a trailer load of deer to be gutted out. It was obvious these were men from the forestry comission as they were going aloong small forests roads where there was locked gates. I am quite shocked at this as the government talks about proper deer management and how its illegal for deer to be lamped and here they are out doing it th
  21. Get your recall sorted first mate, although he's still a bit young, if you had good recall you could just call him in. Teach recall on a line mate so he believes there is absolutely no choice. he has a decent enough recall its just hes that playfull with it he pays no attention, is he young enough to not worry about it as seriously? do you mean tie a rope to his lead and when he doesnt come back tug him in? my dog will be used for rough shooting so it is also important that i dont over do the retrievin
  22. ok lads my pup has got into the habit of carrying things in his mouth and now he wont retrieve to me hel just take with in 2 feet of me and chow on it, hes 4 months old. how do i stop this habit and at 4 moths should i be worried much?
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