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About bobthebeaver

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. this site is full of assholes . chavs that dont have any respect.

  2. Yes Alaunt, it is a hunting site...but if it was all about legal hunting activities that would be something else, but then again there probably wouldn't be anyone on here it if that was the case.
  3. Maybe I should point out to those who can't read too good that the previous post about pigeon shooting was not my words but the words of Robert Smith of BASC
  4. Sorry Willum, I am the one having a laugh, you lot bite so easily Yes I am a man of the countryside, I used to hunt but poachers and idiots have ruined it for most decent folk - such selfish c**ts. I don't want any part of it anymore. I enjoy helping our wildlife now rather than trying to control it. If anything needs controlling on this planet it is us, the real pest. There is nothing better than having the peace and quiet of a Sunday morning shattered by some dorks trying to rid the world of crows, pigeons or magpies. Anyway, I'm of to bed, got a busy day tomorrow at the House of Commons
  5. Yes Willum, hunting was a way of life....before McDonalds came along and we found it easier to catch food that way Problem was that some people got too much pleasure from playing with guns and didn't eat what they killed, it became just an excuse to play with guns and the onus was on shooting rather than hunting for food. Pest control got way out of hand too, every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks there is a fox out there with his name on. Pests should be controlled when they are being a pest. This is why Pigeon shooting is now in trouble. Under the guise of 'crop protection' they have been blaste
  6. Artic, if it is your land you are welcome to blast the living daylights out of anything that moves on it, shame that is the best use you can think of for it though. And as for Pheasant shoots being bought, ponder this, in this recession many businesses are struggling and anyone would sell out for the right price, all that work just isn't worth it when there is easy money on the table. What would you do, struggle on and sink with the rest or take the money? Read on..... From The Times April 11, 2009 Shooting parties take flight as recession hits the big guns Pheasant and partr
  7. DAmn, this must be the slowest website I have ever used. Donk, I think you mean 'there will always be poaching' and Carp, are you seriously telling me you have never seen Partridge or Pheasant have there primaries trimmed to make them easier to shoot??
  8. Well mushroom, if you must have a pop at me then take this on the chin like a man....looking at your avatar I guess you are about 12 years old as no self respecting adult would represent themself with such a daft ficticious image. Your signature hints at a boy who lives in a fantasy world and I imagine you still have quite a lot to learn about the workings of this planet.
  9. and hey, I haven't called anyone scum. I am talking to you. See what I mean, you got a real chip on your shoulder buddy
  10. Nope crap777, not an anti....well yes I am an anti, I am anti people f*****g things up for everyone else. Times change, people change. You need to get with the times. Hunting is not what it was and never will be. Things change, we can't smoke in public, you can't hit your kids, you can't even take photos of buses now incase someone things you're a pedo. If hunting is to continue in some form or fashion then it needs to shape up and poaching and illegal activity will just help to shut it down. I never said I was in any organisation or that I had bought land, only making the point that many peo
  11. Sorry, you've lost me there happycamper?
  12. Well I would be a little embarrassed about that outburst. For one, if you knew a little more about the survival of birds in towns and cities you would know that Sprawks and Peregrines have nothing to do with their decline. Maybe you want to ask that chav down the street with the air rifle and catapult where your birds have gone. You sound like a raving loony, who would let you be custodian of anything let alone the countryside? You belong to a minority group and within that group you yourself are a minority. Everyday groups and organisations are getting together to buy land and keep the likes
  13. LOL, maybe there are too many people/cars on the roads....didn't see many roadkills before cars came along? Would you prefer less traffic or less deer? Anyway, you want to take a look at America the way they breed deer for hunters, Sussex don't even come close. And boy do they have trouble with road accidents too.
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