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Everything posted by CountryHOG

  1. You have to keep trying, the problem with landowners is that there are too many pratts and i could use stronger terms for them like Conor.k from the 'wild west of Belfast'. Dont follow his advice at all, god only will be able to guide his offspring the right way in this world as clearly he wont. Get out there offer help on the farm, try some beating on nearby shoots. its worked for some young lads i know and it worked for me not too long ago. it means getting dirty and you may even get some money for it. Dont do anything illegal, well not what the farmer would worry about anyway and you
  2. Well hasnt our Mr Craven made a few friends on this ere forum then, I am really surprised at how many hard working dog men out there have the time to sit and watch the TV especially something that they are so critical of. So how many 'working dog' men have tried to get permission recently, is it any wander that farmers refuse our requests when these so called decent field sports supporters travel across, up and down the length of the country to trespass on land to run a dog, what about the damage, intimidation and threats that are made by lurchermen on a day out walking the dog. I fish
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