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Everything posted by Systema

  1. TOOLEBOX, We had a great trip ,and got out to hunt with some great fellow hunters for free ,as im not a rich use tourist paying for sport Bredan lived nr mount demount .taenrgki mountain ,the only highest snow clad mountain there ,see it when got up and back in bed I went down to south island and again ,got to shoot some thar nanny's on a massive ranch .high up in there mountains using a 7,62 just past christchurch ,Geraldine guide took me up and i paid for ammo and gave him a tip for taking me out shooting these animals what a trip what lovely kind peop
  2. Hi there , been to nz twice now ,when i get a break from running my pest control business ,long flight from uk to your north island ..Took all my family my 2 sons and wife Had met some young kiwi s in ipswich suffolk,and had some good hunting with Seanad his brother (came over for a couple of years before joining the army in uk ) Pig Hunting and other things these guys would talk about ,and i said to myself i must put it down on my bucket lists..At around 40 /44 yrs old we went over.for around 3 weeks i believe The views in north island and hiring a car ,we did it cheap by stay
  3. Hope everyone is well ,and sharing great topics on here , and from one old pest controller to all the others ,

    always more to learn and find better ways of keeping customers happy from years exp in bird control to insects and all the rest .

    done alot of killing or control  ,but now reaching my prime at 60 this year .I got know time for some i met ,mainly up north ,you only use me once mate ,alot of users in this world .You know who you are . happy hunters and thanks to mick ,paddy tom and ted there the kindest teachers ive ever known god bless boys .

  4. got a big surprise coming up to PHIL LLOYD ,WAIT and see mate ......??? a photo s about your shooting news articles ...ha ha
  5. i really miss the old skilled poachers and warrreners  and keepers i knew who share alot of there skills down to me ,no bullshit with these great guys . i learn every day and enjoy my work in pest control ,but there's too many two legged rats about  now lol

  6. Paddy and me at newmarket job ,heavy land bolted like rockets ,each dig was 2/3 backed upland shallow compare with the sandy areas we did near ipswich 8 to 10 ft deep sometimes ,my early days again and i only wish i had thought of taking more pics or even doing my videos on you tube .that would have been bloody awesome .but we got a good drink of the farmer when he saw what we caught ..hapy days with some great teachers ,my pest control training was now about 5yrs in terminix ,then rentokil and 3 more big national to give me the exp of working in pest industry ...20 hard years but i was like
  7. I only had mother and her pup to work and hunt for all our rabbiting trips with paddy (john)..Barleys training had paid off ,when she started working at 16 months with me lamping ,coursing ferreting and shooting two. for she took foxes too and bambi ,she had the heart to tackle anything ,even walking the woods at night and using my air rifle to knock down long tails ,she brought them all back to hand .Like mick said once when you only have 1 or 2 dogs you spend the time out working them and they get better and better ,(having alot time is not given to each one )
  8. Another season on horse paddocks on our own ,big old net baskets ,but quicker to run out ,mostly 4z but it picked up all the twigs ,leaves etc .But held rabbits well.Again i brought sheet netting and set up all my own long nets with ample bag in them.Most purse nets was hemp which paddy taught me to make starting at 3;6 long ,but later we did alot of golf courses big holes to net ,and made them all 4; in length learning better ways .One day we caught 2 rabbits in one purse net ,as numbers was high then. He had it once 3 in one net ,i had no reason not to believe him we hunted for ma
  9. Ferreting on a large horses paddocks ,again you can see my long nets on anchor pins ,hemp and my early days in rabbit control .Them my home made quick set another few years later i trialed for my sport. Barley was so calm and biddable a great little lurcher at 23 inch high ,her feet was cat feet " micks saying as there tight and compact ,hardly no injuries in her whole career " My AGE no idea ,but my son chad here in pic learning the art, and his no 34 yrs old I had met up with some great rabbit guys ,the old school teaching me so much ,we were using the rentokil van every wee
  10. Barley working with my ferrets about 3 years old i guess ,bolting rabbit missed nets and soon snapped up and carried back to hand un harmed
  11. Barley micks norfolk ,with her swift which i breed from here and kept for working (i only breed her once to much regret and 3 pups came out fawn ,like this in photo and other looked like sire ,she had 7 bitches in total ) There first fox many many years ago
  12. Well what's going on nowadays , people wasting money on these so called dog dealers Telling you can catch 3 out of 3 winter hares in the fens ..?? And when you ask these dog dealers what cross you want ,as if by a miracle its got all of them in this breeding ha ha. Some are easily fooled.Not able to learn and put in all the effort to train a lurcher and form the bond you need, Want one ready made for lamping or what type of sport they do . Mick said it simple to me.Why would you spend hours days and time in training ,and working your best lurcher and some one bi
  13. im not sure if im doing it correctly on here with my Blogs and can anyone put me right if its wrong Thanks
  14. After more years in hunting and rabbiting ,and some lurchers had been and sadly gone . I found my training and learning much improved ,with help and advice by some local gamekeepers in hadleigh suffolk Tim Cole he was bloody good at training gun dogs and sold part train ones to guns etc. he passed on alot of good tips ..... but when i showed up to a gundog training class ,with all the other breeds i got some funny looks lol. SHE was i guess 4 months to 5 i guess and we did a few classes. She sat in the rabbit pen ,calm and taking it all in ,plenty of praise and u
  15. Mick was a very good with his hands ,he had kiln where he fired all his pottery he made. He was making knives to ,and explaining about carbon steel and holding there edge. Its was interesting to me ,as most of my knives were crap,im a young lad buying these fancy stainless steel ones which i seem to put down and lose. He was a wheeler dealer ,he asked if i ever seen this lovely long handle narrow blade type knife before ?? nope was his it i asked ? A gypsy dualing knife ,it and a long narrow blade which locked in different angles for fight ing with looked ver
  16. Went to local car boot sale last year at Marks They ESSEX , Saw these lurcher prints ,the stall owner turned to to be Doug Coopers Widow mFrom CT Chatted to her about mick and her husband who she lost ,ends up she lives at Mildenhall suffolk ? Gave her my business card ,pest control details ,was looking forward to seeing her some great stories and never did get in touch ... pity really
  17. Swiftney my lurchers bitchs mum , lovely looking lurcher ,at ipswich
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