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About taz100

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 21/10/1988

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  1. fishing sea,fly,and pick walking dogs before u no its time agen
  2. my bitch broke her toe 4 weeks ago and i have left here up and doen nuting whit her should i leve it much longer before i walk here the toe seems to b fine.
  3. i dont no how to put up pic at the moment will try thanks for the info i tink ill take him and let him c whats going on.
  4. wag

    the human JCB..... top man

  5. i have a 6 mount old pup 3/4 hound 1/4 collie i would usualy start a pup on rabbits at 9 mounts i want to no if i could bring him lamping just to let him see whats going on as i have no dog at the moment and im getting sick of going out whit no dog my self.
  6. grate dog lovely makeings in grate shape best of look whit him..
  7. well mate whare did u get the bitch just wondered i sold a bitch and dog like here a fuw mounts back the bitch had the same markings as her looked the very same i tink the 2 pups ended up in offaly the last i herd anyway nice bitch.
  8. sorry to here he must b sum wanker
  9. well mate i have a 7 year old border x lakeland dog and he is a good earth dog as he does all that he is sapost to every time i go out and as he is getting on i want to breed a pup off him .for my self.not to sell them.iv seen a lot of patterdales on here whit bull in them and i do agre whit all of ye out thare who say worker to worker but iv seen sum bull x russel dogs work and they have been prity good so i tought it mite b a good cross as i have nuting to breed off my mate has a bitch but she is old but if she brakes we are going to try breed them.
  10. i only asked ye to no if ye have used this breed or seen any i geuss i wont b going whit a staff and thare is only 1 bitch that is keeped between me and my mates and she is two old to breed off as i seed i cant get a working bitch if i could id have 1.thanks for the advise i no a lot more than when i started
  11. have 2 of them a 7 year old dog mixs it up well cant falt dog in any way 100% but getting old.have a 3 year old dog was 2 hard at the start but not doing his job [bANNED TEXT] at the moment giveing him a nuter chance as thare is no reson for this change as he is wierd to the moon.
  12. im tinking of staff as i cant get a working bitch iv tryed but they just ant thare i was tinking staff as iv seen russel x b and they seem to b a good cross
  13. i have a border x lakeland dog he is geting old and i would like to bread him but cant get a working bitch to breed off so i was tinking of geting a small staff bitch if any one has any advise it would b grate or any pic of what they look like.
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