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Cameron Burns

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Everything posted by Cameron Burns

  1. Ash - Albino Jill } } Sisters Bon-Bon - Albino Jill } Izzy - Sandy Jill } } Half-Sisters Scruffy - Polecat Jill }
  2. wanting a jill as i cant afford another hutch to seperate a hob from my jills, would prefer polecat marking but not overly fussed Hope you can afford getting all the jills out of season next time it comes around got a mate with a hobble who does it for free
  3. i do like how they come to the most absurd assumptions on the show, like at the snare in the fence. there was a hole cut out of the fence, then they find wire cutters. i thought oh well that was what he used to cut the wire and trim the snare edges. but no they are now used to cut the dead animal from the f*c*ing snare, a snare is a slip loop why the hell would you be sure enough you would need them everytime that you left them nearby, hidden under leaves and not been moved for ages. i give up with these antis they look at evertything as having something to do with animal cruelty. i mean serio
  4. if your up for the trek i have some good ground down by dunfermline area, would gladly take you out for the day
  5. wanting a jill as i cant afford another hutch to seperate a hob from my jills, would prefer polecat marking but not overly fussed
  6. It seems that every other year i've had ferrets Im constantly turning down offers of new ferrets and the local vtrading papers are saturated witrh local sellers. this year however sods law i want a new ferret and nobody's parting with them nearby. now i could go further afield to get one but being only 15 with a limited amount of money i was shocked to see the nearest outlet of ferrets was over 40 miles away and they were selling the kits for £25 my ferrets are becoming a bit ripened now and i recently noticed that when in the company of younger more energetic ferrets they perked up,as we
  7. Cant wait to get back out on the foxes

  8. Hi everyone thanks for reading this topic! well the story goes like this: on tuesday i was out ratting at a chicken farm (barn hens) and the hens had mostly been taken away but about 20 remained and as the owner was culling all he caught so my request to take some was taken very well, after catching 8 hens with the help of my fellow ratteurs the best 6 were chosen and put into the van. The hens were settled that night in temporary housing on the decking of the house. the next day (wednesday) they were released into the open garden and decided they liked sitting under the quad trailer so i
  9. ok so heres how it happened: a couple of weeks ago i was out with my ferrets just for a look about (nothing serious) just checking a coupleof burrows and i noticed a couple of burrows in an adjoining site, they looked active so i went to inquire, no the site in question was a mine rescue training centre and the rabbits were actually digging on top of the training tunnels. Anyway i went inside sporting camos and wellies, and spoke to a secreatary who went and spoke to a guy named dale who took me into a board room with the head boss and i had to exxplain ferreting and my intentions, now iha
  10. two good books are the ferret and ferreting handbook by James McKay (features alot of old ideas about feeding etc but is very good al the same) Ferreting: A traditional country persuit by David Bezzant(features many precise facts about ferrets housing feeding breeding mangment of the sick animal rescuing ferrets equipment for ferreting the rabbit ferrerting method as well as chapters on dogs rats shooting and falcons with ferrets) hope this helps also im sure i had another book by simon whitehead that was pretty good but i cant remember what it was called James McKay D
  11. i hate when rabbits bolt from a hole that one just bolted from

  12. im looking for a ferreting buddy who is able to set nets and work ferrets to help me with my ground im 15 years old myself, early starts always so make sure youve got a good alarm clock
  13. off to biggar after foxes tommorow

  14. Like so many other ferreters there can be no worse feeling than knowing there is a bury just packed with rabbits but for whatever reason are unable to reach it, the ground i ferret on constantly leaves me feeling stressed, the problem is the hillsides overlooking the crop fields are covered in patches of gorse that are twice as dense as regular gorse and cover an area the size a of a football pitch beneath the gorse is some of the most active buries on the land, ferreting it is out of the question as i cant see where all the exit holes are and if the ferret lays up 99 times out of 100 you ar
  15. the ferrets shouldnt be starving and a light breakfast is recommended about 2 hours before you do the first bury. also once in the day they should be fed the "clean" organs of 1 rabbit (hear lungs liver kidneys) to keep them going, let them be hungry enough not to fall enough but full enough not to collapse, although the size of portions does depend on the ferret it really is a trial and error thing, experiment with feed sizes, just dont be cruel in the amounts you give them!
  16. a hungry ferret is more likely to kill below ground than a full ferret but like with all animals and including humans if they know that at the end of the day they will be fed if they work hard then they will 99 times out of 100 bear this in mind and work to a fuller potential than if there is no aim or goal for them to motivate them to do the task at hand
  17. Im 14 years old and live in Fife Scotland and im looking to get more experience in the field, i am willing to offer services for free due to my love of the countryside and hate to see the damage that rabbits do to our farms so if your in my area and you know of anybody or anywhere that has problems with rabbits please tell me. Also im soon to be getting a patterdale terrier so depending on how it goes i might soon be able to carry out pest control on rats and possibly foxes when im able to get my shotgun certificate.
  18. my ferrets are given a small bowl of food every day but if I am going out say on a Tuesday and its Saturday Just now I would give them a big bowl on Saturday and a Tiny bowl on Sunday on Monday they would get about half there normal amount in the afternoon and they'll get an egg in the morning before I go out, at lunch time I'll give them each A heart two lungs two kidneys and a liver of a rabbit, this keep them going fine all day without filling them up and making them lose desire to hunt.
  19. Gettin My own patterdale Terrier

  20. Help needed, i'm looking for some names for a new dog i'm getting any help would be greatly appreciated! The dog in question will be: liver and white, english springer spaniel, bitch, used for a gundog- hunting, retrieving the name will need to be short and direct so i can get her attention quickly PS these names are unavailable for reasons they're current dogs names in my family (B.B Sam Meg Brodie Midge Jet)
  21. if you like chicken you'll love pheasant- it is a lot more filling juicer and tastier
  22. hi evryone dont know wat to say except... hi
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