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Everything posted by LOL

  1. LOL

    Dogging In

    Yes also a day stalking muntjack today.
  2. LOL

    Dogging In

    Got a call from a keeper friend asking if i could help him.He has got a days shooting on tuesday and he was short of birds.And he wanted me to dog in the borders.Well this is my kind of bushing always going to be something to hunt.Set of this afternoon with spainels and lurcher on the for edge and started to work in towards the wood.Pheasent getting up streight away and towards the woods.Four rabbits got up out of some thick cover streight to ground go back another day with ferrets.After 2 hours of hard work a good few rabbits to ground load of phaesent back to woods and two pheasent in the ba
  3. The one trick ponies of today what exactly are they ?, i've never known a running dog of any breeding that did'nt show an interest in working a variety of quarry given the opportunityyes most running dogs show intrest.But is that enough some excel at coursing some at lamping exc.When we were young there was only space for one running dog.It was expected to take rabbit hare and feather exc And do the job when out with the terriers Today a lot of lurcher lads keep diferent lurchers for different jobs.
  4. The dogs of old were expected to do a bit of every thing not like a lot of the one trick ponies of today
  5. . Do you use the spaniels for beating as well or just bushing? Do they come of game when behind it when running with lurches or keep running?I us both of them for beating and picking up two times a week in season.The springer does not chase at all the cocker will chase but stop on the wistle.Its my lurcher that thinks it a gun dog it retreaves shot game like a labrador.
  6. Do it all the time now the land i have is great for it and there is something at the endof it for the dog.
  7. Keith still lives in village,i bought a pup off keith in 1990 out off a dog called sam who's sire was Tige the pup turned out a good single handed bitch.Was sam a black dog
  8. I hunt everthing with them also beating and pickup.I like the springer beter because she works cover better andis beter in water.But the cockeris the better dog at marking.
  9. I have both cocker and springer i favour the springer
  10. Grand looking dogs mate cant beat a good bedlington x
  11. Could be Gregor fisher for all i know, i cannot see on this tiny phone screen ha haSorry didnt have a good camera then but it is len
  12. Think it was matie..yes that Denned..he used to get around a lot of the shows Anyone know the judge on the left? Ginger FrenchNo its not len this is len
  14. These two gave me some real good sport in the early 70s
  15. Yes that the belvedere cob
  16. I think the kids slept in blender tents next to the Waggons aswell...they were made from the same canvas material that the bow top is made of...young hazel shoots bent over to make a dome with the front lifted up facing the fire. Not just the kids slept in them and those families with just a flat cart would have as well,i've lived in many a bender(the tent not the faggot type ) and i used to be able to build one without using string to tie the poles just woven through and you could swing off the frame, but not built one for many a year now.We use to use car windscreens as windows along the
  17. Were ever you get a pup from you take a chance.on how it turns out.I have see bad pups out of very good dogs But i must ad i dont belive in breeding dogs for profit.Only breed if i need one my self and the rest are past on to mates.To much of this puppy farming going on these days.
  18. My son 30 years ago after a hard morrning out
  19. Greyhoundxsaluki beddlingtonxgreyhound good all rounder
  20. Yes allways used to bump in to some body out with the dogs and have the crack Now i never see any body out.
  21. YOU WILL NOT GET THAT NOW,, WELL NOT THAT EASY,, , FROM PERTH TO GRANT'TOWN ON SPEY WAS UNBEATABLE, ,, NOT ANY MORE. . BUT GOOD MEMORYS, Yes we will still have our memories of the good time When all the shushi have gone
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