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Everything posted by darrenc0408

  1. Hi Guys, My bitch is still missing & the reward is still £1500, no questions asked. Thanks Darren
  2. Just letting you all know that our Parson Russell Bitch is still missing & the reward is £1500 for her return or any info that leads to her return. Also we have a website for her http://www.findtig.co.uk/index.html Thanks Darren
  3. Hi Guys My Parson Jack Russell Terrier called Tig went missing on Thursday 26th November in Howell Woods Country Park, South Kirkby, West Yorkshire but it also borders South Yorkshire, Barnsley & Doncaster. http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x...by,+Wakefield+[City/Town/Village]&searchp=ids.srf&mapp=map.srf It looks like she chased a Rabbit with my other Parson bitch Pop (her daughter). After 10 minutes looking for her I went home to see if they had maid there way home but neither had. I went back up to car park on my bike & no one had them so went back home
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